KCCTO Course Catalog

Please Note: You are viewing a catalog listing of all KCCTO courses available throughout the year. If you would like to see only the courses that are currently available for registration, please click below.

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Online Courses
In-Person Courses
Live Virtual Courses
  • A Provider’s Guide to Navigating Hard Conversations with Infant and Toddler Families

    Hard conversations are hard! It can be difficult to navigate when a parent comes to you with a complaint, or when there is a concern with a child that you need to discuss with the child’s family. How can you accomplish that in a way that everybody feels like they are heard, and you can come to mutually agreeable solutions? This training will explore protective urges, active listening, and how to successfully navigate parent concerns.


    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.


    This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: “A Provider’s Guide to Navigating Hard Conversations with Infant and Toddler Families”

  • Academic AND Play-Based: Building Cognitive Skills Through Play

    Research tells us that young children learn best from activities that are embedded into play and routines. However, in a time of increased emphasis on "school readiness", play in early childhood settings is more and more pushed to the side and replaced with "academic" activities such as worksheets that focus on the ABC's and 123's. But did you know that Cognitive Development--the development of our thinking skills--involves so much more than these pre-academic skills? And that ALL cognitive skills, including these pre-academic skills, are best learned through play? This session will introduce participants to the varied thinking skills that are necessary for infant, toddler, and preschool development, as well as ways that these skills can be facilitated through PLAY!


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.  

    This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Academic and Play-Based: Building Cognitive Skills Through Play 

  • Active Kids and Active Supervision

    Keeping young children safe is the priority of all early care and education programs. Take an in-depth look at strategies of active supervision both indoors and outdoors. Learn methods for safe outdoor activities such as rules for an outdoor environment and how to recognize outdoor hazards. Allow children to explore freely when you understand active supervision strategies.  Complete a playground safety evaluation during the course session.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  

    Take this course and earn 4 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.  

  • Active Supervision in the Family Child Care Program

    Providing child care in your home can be challenging.   How do you make sure that you and your space is prepared to safely care for multiple children at the same time?   This course will take a look at the strategies of active supervision in your in-home child care as well as ways to provide individualized, responsive caregiving to keep children safe. This course is appropriate for family child care providers. Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.

  • Advancing the Vision of Inclusion

     Add higher-level knowledge to what you now understand about inclusion of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities in high-quality early care and education programs. Learn about legal foundations for inclusion. Know where to seek guidance related to the rights of children who need inclusion. Know where to look for guidance about the rights of families and professionals related to children who need inclusion. Know how to access no cost or low-cost professional development resources that will aid in support of care to young children with disabilities. 


    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who have a solid understanding of inclusion policies. 

  • An Introduction to ASQ:SE-2: Ages & Stages Questionnaire, Second Edition

    Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2) is a screening tool that pinpoints the social and emotional progress of children from 1 month to 6 years. This course will introduce the ASQ®SE-2 questionnaires, the administration, scoring and the importance of parent engagement. Participants will leave with the knowledge and materials needed to implement the ASQ®SE-2 in their own program.


  • An Introduction to the ASQ-3: Ages & Stages Questionnaire

    The Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) is a developmental screening tool that pinpoints developmental progress in children between the ages of one month to 5 1/2 years.  This course will introduce the ASQ-3 and participants will leave with the knowledge and materials needed to implement the ASQ-3 into their program.

  • Anti-Bias in Early Childhood

    What is anti-bias and what does it look like in the early childhood environment? Learn the four goals of anti-bias and what materials and classroom supports to use. Explore teaching goals and developmental milestones related to anti-bias.


    This course is the same content as the ""LIVE Virtual Training: Anti-Bias in Early Childhood"".


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals

  • Basics of Child Development

    Gain a basic understanding of child development of children birth to age eight. In this course, you will learn the typical developmental milestones of a child's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth and the importance of supervision as related to a child's development.
    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment's initial health and safety training requirements for basic child development.

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course.

  • Behavior and Guidance of Young Children

    Do you know how you, as an early care and education professional, influence the behavior of young children? Do you want a variety of ways to encourage positive behavior in young children? Learn methods of direct guidance and indirect guidance that may prevent common behavior problems. Learn to set positive, realistic goals for a group of young children and maintain rules in ways that help children gain self-control. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  

    Looking for a Live Virtual course on this topic?  Check out the Live Virtual: Behavior Guidance: Stating Behavioral Expectations course. 

  • Better Brains 1: Foundations in Brain Development and Learning

    Add knowledge to your basic understanding of brain development. Researchers continue to discover new information about the developing brain. When you understand brain anatomy and how the brain develops, you can support early brain development in young children. Explore major development and functions of the brain and how early experiences connect to brain development.   

    Your experience with this subject is best when you complete this course before the Better Brains 2:  Brain Development and Care of Children course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Better Brains 2: Brain Development and Care of Children

    Add advanced knowledge to your understanding of brain development as a child develops. Children need positive interactions with caregivers in safe, secure environments. They need the opportunity to explore their worlds to develop and strengthen connections in the brain's wiring. Explore how the care of young children can affect the developing brain.  

    Your experience with this subject is best when you complete this course after the Better Brains 1:  Foundations in Brain Development and Learning course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Better Brains for Babies Part I

    The first years of life are a crucial time for brain development. Researchers have learned that healthy brain development is

    rooted in young children's everyday experiences. Adults can make a difference in supporting early brain development by

    creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments; by building strong, positive attachment relationships; and by

    encouraging exploration. Part I of a 2 part series, covers Brain Anatomy, Brain Development, Experience and Learning.

  • Better Brains for Babies Part II

    The first years of life are a crucial time for brain development. Researchers have learned that healthy brain development is

    rooted in young children's everyday experiences. Adults can make a difference in supporting early brain development by

    creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments; by building strong, positive attachment relationships; and by

    encouraging exploration.

    Part 2 of a 2-part series, covers Physical Well-Being, Attachment, Play, Consistency, and Stress and Trauma.

  • Beyond a Celebration: Exploring Culture in Practice

    If you are an early care and education professional who has a solid understanding of the importance of relationships with families, take this opportunity to further your awareness of culture in the early care and education setting. Examine culture and how bias may affect interactions. Explore cultural reciprocity, strategies for building effective relationships with diverse families, and techniques to improve communication with second language learners and their families. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings with some understanding of building relationships with families. 

  • Brain Basics

    If classrooms are to be places of learning, then the 'organ of learning,' the brain, must be understood and accommodated," writes consultant, writer, and lecturer about the working of the brain. Explore the combined nature of the brain and behavior. Learn about major brain systems and the basic functions of each system to gain a foundation about brain development appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Building and Physical Premises Safety

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites injuries as the leading cause of death among children. Know the importance of indoor and outdoor inspections of the environment to keep children safe. Learn safety measures in regards to fire prevention and learn best practices in supervision. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for building and physical premises safety.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Building Skills in Two Languages

    This course focuses on teaching children who are learning more than one language. By teaching new words and clear meanings, children are able to have meaningful conversations, which provide opportunities to practice new skills in their home languages. Teachers will learn individualized, responsive, and rich interaction skills to promote language and positive relationships. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Building Skills in Two Languages

    In the United States, dual language learners are currently the fastest growing population of young children. Early child care professionals play an important role in helping children learn English while supporting their families in maintaining their home language. Explore information and strategies to support dual language learners with vocabulary expansion and meaningful conversations while supporting and celebrating the child's home languages.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Building Skills in Two Languages Extended

    In the United States, dual language learners are currently the fastest growing population of young children. Early child care professionals play an important role in helping children learn English while supporting their families in maintaining their home language. In this two-week course, go beyond gaining knowledge and being to apply strategies that support young dual language children through a Learn-Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course explores information and strategies to support dual language learners with vocabulary expansion and meaningful conversations while supporting and celebrating the child’s home languages. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose from two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect. The Learn section of the course includes the same content as Building Skills in Two Languages.  

    This two-week course has requirements due each week. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  


  • Building Skills Through Art

    Do you want to know how you can support children's development through the arts? In this higher-level course, you will add to your fundamentals of child development by exploring the link between art and physical development. Explore the development of the concept of symbols and art interpretation, as well as cognitive skills, problem-solving, social skills, and creativity—plan to observe children engaged in art activities. Complete activities with children and share about the experience with others during the course.  The Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University is a collaborator for this course and shares examples of the many successful early childhood programming activities offered through the museum.  

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who work with children toddler age and older. 

  • Building Your Business: Marketing Your Family Child Care

    Understanding how to market your family child care business can be challenging. Learn general marketing strategies such as identifying and communicating the benefits of your program, understanding target markets, and developing a marketing plan. Gain marketing knowledge adapted with permission from Tom Copeland's Family Child Care Business Curriculum: Marketing.

    This course is appropriate for professionals who own or work in licensed Day Care or Group Day Care Home programs.

  • Business Practices for Center Employees

    Ever wonder about the financial side of the program or how business practices impact staffing and program decisions?  Explore basic business practices, including budgets, financial statements, internal and external controls, and how they affect the program.  Explore how teaching staff can impact program marketing and best practices of recruitment and retention of program employees. 

    This course is appropriate for staff in center-based child care facilities.


  • Busy Blocks: Creating and Maintaining Quality Block Play

    Fun fact: Playing with blocks is one activity where children can work on ALL learning and development domains!  In this session, we'll explore the stages of block play, review materials needed for a quality area, and discuss some tips and tricks to make block play successful.  
    This course is the same content as the "Live Virtual Training: Busy Blocks: Creating and Maintaining Quality Block Play".
    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Capacitación Virtual En Vivo: Involucrar a los Niños en Conversaciones|Live Virtual: Engaging Conversations with Children

    Únete a esta capacitación virtual EN VIVO sobre cómo ayudar a los niños a participar en conversaciones. Las conversaciones son más que la acción de hablar; crean oportunidades para construir una relación entre dos personas y aportan beneficios mutuos tanto a los niños como a los adultos. Cuando promueves las conversaciones, fomentas el desarrollo cognitivo y social de los niños y mejora sus habilidades lingüísticas. Aumenta tu conocimiento sobre los beneficios y los elementos de las conversaciones significativas con los niños. Aprende a identificar oportunidades para conversar con los niños y estrategias para que los niños participen en las conversaciones. Esta capacitación virtual requiere el uso de una cámara web o una cámara frontal para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje interactiva y motivadora. Los detalles sobre el acceso a la capacitación se proveerán por correo electrónico el día antes de la capacitación.

  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Identification, Reporting, and Prevention

    Can you recognize signs of child abuse or neglect, including shaken baby syndrome? Take this course to gain information about child maltreatment, abusive head trauma, and learn how to report suspected child abuse and neglect. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for child maltreatment identification, reporting, and prevention, as well as abusive head trauma.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Child Care Transportation Safety

    Learn how to safely transport children in childcare, including proper safety and fit of child safety seats in this foundation course. Learn about policies to help protect children from heat-related and collision-related injuries in vehicles. Gain knowledge about transportation safety for children developed in collaboration with the Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office. 

    Take this course and earn 1.5 clock hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for basic child development. 

  • Child Development: Brain Building

    This training presents information on child development and brain development for early childhood educators working with children from birth to age 5. The training covers the latest research on brain and child development to give you foundational knowledge in developmental progressions for children from birth to age 5. An emphasis on brain development will provide you with a unique lens to apply in an early learning program to support responsive interactions.

  • Child Development: Connecting Development to Practice

    Build on your solid foundation in child development regarding children birth to eight years of age. Examine the importance of understanding child development. Learn to link activities to the appropriate developmental stage of the child in the domains of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and communication and language. 

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals with a solid understanding of child development. 

    Take this course and earn 3 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Children with Chronic Health Care Needs in Child Care

    Children with special health care needs are often in out-of-home settings for a large portion of their day attending child care programs. Add to your basic knowledge of children with special health care needs to provide the best quality and safest care for a child with special health care needs. In this course, you will learn to develop and implement care plans and find out about emergency planning and transportation for these children.  

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

    Take this course and earn 2 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Connections Matter in Early Childhood

    Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, they help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier, stronger community. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage participants in building caring connections to improve resiliency, prevent childhood trauma, and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma. Connections Matter explores how the connections we make in life profoundly impact our brain’s ability to grow and our own abilities to cope and thrive. This is done through a training curriculum that educates participants on adverse childhood experiences, trauma, brain development and resilience. Connections Matter ultimately strives to promote the building of more resilient, compassionate, and trauma-informed communities – thus allowing all children and individuals to succeed.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.


    This live virtual training requires attendance at two sessions (on the start and end dates indicated). Participants are required to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.


    For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • Course Bundle: All About Movement

    Are you interested in exploring physical development and movement experiences for young children? We can help you! The All About Movement course bundle focuses on exploring young children’s physical development. Examine the importance of physical activities to keep children moving and the connection between movement and children’s well-being.  

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following:  

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting   
    • Week 2: I Need to Move! Promoting Physical Development  
    • Week 3 & 4: Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness: Movement   
    • Week 5: Wrap Up   

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings 


  • Course Bundle: Family Matters

    Interested in diving into how families matter in early care and education programs? Check out this course bundle that makes finding and registering for courses focused on this topic easy! Explore ways to engage families, build effective communication skills, examine conflict resolution strategies and shared decisions, and understand the definition and impacts of homelessness. 

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting 
    • Week 2: Family Partnerships  
    • Week 3: Recognizing and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness  
    • Week 4: Power of Positive Communication  
    • Week 5: Wrap Up 

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Course Bundle: Infant and Toddler Classrooms

    Infant and toddler care is a wonderful part of the early childhood profession. Check out this course bundle dedicated to these youngest of early learners! This course bundle explores typical development behaviors, temperaments, and appropriate play experiences for infants and toddlers. Investigate strategies for guiding infants and toddlers and supporting children who bite. Examine what it means to be a responsive caregiver. 

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting 
    • Week 2: Foundations of Play with Infants and Toddlers 
    • Week 3: Guiding Infants and Toddlers: Understanding Behavior 
    • Week 4: Respectful Teaching: A Responsive Approach to Infant and Toddler Learner 
    • Week 5: Wrap Up 

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.

  • Course Bundle: Let’s Get Creative

    Are you looking for a set of courses that are focused on a central topic? We can help you! The Let’s Get Creative course bundle focuses on creative experiences for young children.  

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting 
    • Week 2: More Than Dress Up 
    • Week 3: Movement Through Music 
    • Week 4: Process and Art Creation 
    • Week 5: Wrap Up 

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Course Bundle: Professionalism in Early Childhood

    Want to explore aspects of being a professional in the early childhood field? This bundle is for you! Examine ethics and core values used in early childhood education, explore mindfulness activities, and demonstrate the use of the Kansas Early Learning Standards. 

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting 
    • Week 2: Introduction to Ethics in the Early Childhood Profession  
    • Week 3: Mindfulness for Early Childhood Professionals 
    • Week 4: Introduction to the Kansas Early Learning Standards 
    • Week 5: Wrap Up 

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Course Bundle: Supporting Social-Emotional Development

    Are you interested in exploring social and emotional development and experiences for young children? We can help you! The Supporting Social-Emotional Development course bundle focuses on understanding and supporting social and emotional development in young children.   

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following:  

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting  
    • Week 2: Exploring Social and Emotional Development and Understanding Temperaments of Young Children  
    • Week 3: Supporting Relationships Through Engaging Environments  
    • Week 4: Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • Week 5: Wrap Up  

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins are scheduled by you and occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

    Take this course and earn 4 clock hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 


  • Course Bundle: The Preschool Classroom

    Interested in delving into the area of preschoolers’ growth and development? We can help! Explores all the domains of development, strategies for making transitions effective, and creating appropriate science environments and experiences for preschool-aged children.  

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    • Week 1: Introduction to the Course Bundle and goal setting 
    • Week 2: Child Development: Connecting Development to Practice 
    • Week 3: Teaching Strategies to Enhance Transitions 
    • Week 4: Notice, Wonder, Explore…Science with Children 
    • Week 5: Wrap Up 

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the course bundle. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Creating a Child Care and Early Intervention Partnership

    Child care providers are familiar with typical development and would be in a position to alert families and make referrals for early intervention if they had concerns about a child's development.   However, many child care providers are unfamiliar with the referral process and are hesitant to have a difficult conversation with families. In addition, many children under the age of 3 attend child care programs, which are a natural environment for those children. Early Intervention programs and child care programs should create a partnership to ensure that children and families gain access to services if needed and that they continue the relationship to embed interventions in child care, an additional natural environment for the child. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers and Early Intervention service providers.

  • Creating an Inclusive and Language-Rich Early Childhood Setting

    Some research indicates that approximately 10% of young children are experiencing some sort of communication impairment. As a child care provider, you are in a wonderful position to shape young children into successful communicators. Learn about the basics of communication development, key elements of an inclusive and language-rich early childhood setting, and a variety of activities to encourage language development naturally throughout the child's day.

  • Discipline with the Whole Child in Mind

    Typical approaches to behavior include threats and punishment – which only focus on the right now. Research has taught us much about how our brains regulate our emotions and either encourage or inhibit learning. This course examines how we can use our understanding of brain science to bring children to a place where they can learn how to manage big emotions.   This course will explore connection techniques to promote long term behavioral and relational skills.

  • Don’t Say Don’t, And What to Say Instead: Using Language to Guide Children

    This course will provide participants with specific words, phrases, and practices to avoid when guiding and disciplining children, along with specific words, phrases, and practices to use instead.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Early Intervention and Special Education Basics

    The Early Intervention and Special Education system can be complicated. Have you had a child in your care who may have a developmental delay or disability and weren’t sure what to do next? This training will explain the basics of the EI and SE system and how you can help the child and their family find the supports they need.

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with children birth through 5 years old.

  • Educator Series: Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood

    Looking for a book study course? Explore ways to find your spark again!  This educator series book study looks at the many reasons why early childhood professionals experience low morale and burnout, leading to high turnover in the profession.  The book Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood Strategies for Change by Ellen Drolette guides this five-week book study.   


    In this blended book study, complete weekly offline chapter readings, engage in weekly online conversations and personal connection reflections focused on the weekly readings, and participate in live Zoom conversations during weeks 2 and 4. Registration fee includes a copy of the book. 


    Educator Series courses are appropriate for early care and education professionals who work directly with young children, whether in center-based programs, family child care programs, preschool programs, or school-age programs. 

  • Educator Series: Trauma and Young Children

    Do you enjoy reading and engaging in discussions? Join this educator series book study and engage with other early care and education professionals. This book study examines the impact of trauma on children, explores the guiding principles for teaching and the power of relationships and play when caring for these young children. Begin implementing strategies from the book that support children who have experienced trauma and also will benefit all children. This book study uses the book, Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower by Sarah Erdman, Laura J. Colker, with Elizabeth C. Winter.   

    During this blended five-week book study, complete weekly offline reading and engage in online peer learning discussions and personal reflection journals. Participate in live group Zoom conversations Thursday at 6:30 pm (CST) at the end of weeks 2 and 4. Complete two offline activities where you will implement strategies identified in the book. Zoom conversations require you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.   

    This Educator Series course is appropriate for early care and education professionals who work directly with preschool-aged children, whether in center-based programs, family child care programs, or preschool programs. 

    Registration fee includes a copy of the book.  

    Take this course and earn 4 clock hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 


  • Embracing Inclusion

    Childcare providers know that all children need love, support, and proper tools to thrive but many are unsure how to support children with different abilities and needs. By embracing inclusion, providers will be able to see their children through a different lens and reflect on their own skillset that allows for everyone to learn and grow together. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Emotional Literacy

    Explore strategies to teach children emotional vocabulary, which helps them identify emotions in themselves and others. Additionally, you will learn how to have discussions with parents about emotional literacy. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals.

  • Engaging Mealtimes with Infants and Toddlers

    Create responsive, engaging mealtime experiences for infants and toddlers. Discuss how to develop healthy communication with parents regarding their child’s nutritional needs. Gain tips and ideas to support picky eaters and ways to encourage healthy eating for young children. Learn about menus, meal planning, and mealtime documentation for the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Whether you care for infants and toddlers in family child care or center-based programs, you can enhance mealtime for children through this introductory course.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Enhancing Communication through #SocialMedia

    With the increase in social media platforms, many early care and education programs are looking for effective ways to use social media to enhance communication with families and other professionals in the field. Explore what to consider when creating a social media policy. Learn about professionalism regarding social media use. Through a variety of videos, take a look at business pages and profiles of popular social media platforms and apps for sharing children's day with families.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings 

  • Environments for Infant and Toddler Group Care

    How can we arrange environments to support the unique needs of infants and toddlers? What materials are needed to promote cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development in the classroom? In this training, we’ll explore the why and how to set up and furnish an infant/toddler environment. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Establishing Partnerships with Families in Family Child Care

    When you enroll a new child into your family child care program, you invite another family into your home. You agree to support the family in caring for their little one. Establishing a positive relationship with the family during the enrollment period is a crucial step in building a trusting partnership. In this course we will look at how to establish, build and maintain positive relationships with new children and their families. Because enrolling a new child is more than just filling the open slot, it’s partnering with a family. ​

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working in a family child care program. 

  • Exploring Our World: Creating Infant and Toddler Learning Environments

    Research states the environment is an integral aspect of an infant's and toddler's learning experiences. Whether you care for infants and toddlers in family child care or a center-based program, learn through this introductory course to create a responsive environment. Make your indoor and outdoor child care environments, both developmentally appropriate and aesthetically pleasing for infants and toddlers. Learn to use essential elements for quality space for exploration, education, and socialization.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Exploring Social and Emotional Development

    Research shows that healthy social and emotional development in young children directly correlates with healthy cognitive development; it is a predictor of success later in life in academics and mental well-being. Learn about developmental skills that foster children’s social and emotional progress and how social and emotional skills develop. Find strategies to support and encourage healthy social and emotional development. 

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who have a basic understanding of social and emotional development. 

  • Family Child Care Environments

    When you are a family child care provider, blending environments for both your family and the early care program can be challenging. Find strategies for providing inside and outside learning environments that support social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Explore what messages the environment sends children and how organization is the foundation of blending necessary learning environments for business while still meeting the needs of your own family.

    This course is appropriate for professionals who own or work in licensed Day Care or Group Day Care Home programs.

  • Family Child Care Environments Extended

    Blending environments for both family and early care programs can be challenging. In this two-week course, reach beyond gaining insight into blending environments and begin to analyze your environments through this Learn-Apply format. During the Learn section, look at strategies for providing inside and outside learning environments that support social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Explore the messages the environment sends children and how organization is the foundation of blending necessary learning environments for business while still meeting your family’s needs. In the Apply section, begin to use knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose from two project options, complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive discussions, and self-reflection. This extended course includes attendance in group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. The Learn section of the course contains the same content as Family Child Care Environments.  

    This 2-week course has requirements due each week. 

    This course is appropriate for people who own or work in licensed Daycare or Group Daycare settings.  


  • Family Engagement and Partnership Standards

    Gain information about the five Kansas Family Engagement and Partnership Standards. Explore how this document aligns with other state standards, such as the Kansas Early Learning Standards and explore program practices that support the standards. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 


  • Family Engagement in Early Care and Education

    This course focuses on family engagement as a relationship-based process. Explore strengths-based strategies to engage families in meaningful ways. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Family Partnerships

    Examine how to develop partnerships with families as a vital part of providing high-quality early care and education. Learn about family engagement and respectful two-way communication. Identify ways to share power and make decisions with families. 

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • FLIP IT Extended: Exploring and Implementing the Strategy

    In this higher-level, two-week course, learn the four supportive steps to help preschool to school-age children identify their feelings, learn healthy self-control, and reduce challenging behavior.  Gain knowledge about FLIP IT through online work during the first week.  In the second week, practice FLIP IT through a combination of online and out-of-class work where you will practice implementing the strategy with the children you work with.     

    This course is designed with permission of the Devereux Center for Resilient Children and in partnership with FLIP IT! author Rachel Wagner-Sperry, national early childhood mental health specialist.  

    This 2-week course has requirements due each week and requires you to currently be working with children to practice implementing the FLIP IT strategy during week two.   

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who work  with preschool to school age children. 


  • Fostering Connections with Families in Center-Based Care

    We all experience some anxiety during the enrollment process, and our new children and families do too! Helping children and their families become comfortable in a new childcare setting can be one of the biggest challenges we face. In this course we will look at the roles of engagement and how to establish, build and maintain positive relationships with new children and their families. Because enrolling a new child is more than just filling the open slot, it’s adding a new family to the program community. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working in a center-based program.

  • Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module

    This two-week  module includes all Kansas Department of Health and Environment required initial health and safety training requirements.  

    If registering for this module it is not necessary to register for the individual initial health and safety courses.    

    Build foundational knowledge on how to keep children safe and healthy in this module in the following topics: 

    • Child Development
    • Keeping Children Healthy:  addresses infectious disease and immunizations, bloodborne pathogens, allergic reactions to food and food handling, and administering medication.
    • Keeping Children Safe: addresses building premise and hazardous materials, supervising children, child abuse and neglect, sudden infant death syndrome and safe sleep practices, transporting children, and emergency preparedness.

     Looking for annual health and safety training topics?  

    • Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module is intended for new providers. Enrollment will be canceled if participant has already completed it within the past 5 years. Please call our office if you are not sure of your status. 
    • If you need help choosing courses from KCCTO’s wide range of topics, contact the KCCTO office to connect with a Professional Development Specialist. 

    The Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module is also available in Spanish. 

  • Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module (en Español) | Módulo de Fundamentos

    Complete los requisitos iniciales de salud y seguridad del Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas en un curso con una sesión extendida de dos semanas. Si se inscribe en este módulo, no es necesario inscribirse también en los cursos individuales de salud y seguridad. Desarrolle conocimientos fundamentales sobre cómo mantener a los niños seguros y sanos en este módulo con los siguientes temas:


    • Desarrollo infantil


    • Mantener a los Niños Sanos: hablamos sobre las enfermedades infecciosas y las inmunizaciones, los patógenos transmitidos por sangre, las reacciones alérgicas a los alimentos y el manejo de alimentos y la administración de medicamentos.


    • Mantener a los Niños Seguros: hablamos las premisas de construcción y los materiales peligrosos, la supervisión de los niños, el abuso y la negligencia infantil, el síndrome de muerte súbita (muerte de cuna), las prácticas de sueño seguro, el transporte de niños y la preparación para emergencias.


    Tome este curso y obtenga sus horas estatales para cumplir con los requisitos iniciales de capacitación en salud y seguridad del Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas.


    Si quiere expandir sus habilidades, esto requiere que aprenda nueva información y tenga la oportunidad de poner ese conocimiento en acción: sus prácticas en primera infancia. Adquirir conocimientos y luego aplicarlos a sus comportamientos y habilidades aumenta la calidad de la atención y la educación que brinda a los niños pequeños y sus familias.

    Completará dos (2) Proyectos de Aplicación como parte de este curso del Módulo de Fundamentos.


    TENGA EN CUENTA: El Módulo de Fundamentos para Instalaciones de Atención Temprana Seguras y Saludables está destinado para nuevos proveedores. Las inscripciones se cancelarán si el participante ha completado este curso en los últimos 5 años. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina si no está seguro de esta información.


    Hay cursos adicionales disponibles con KCCTO para ampliar su conocimiento sobre el apoyo a la salud y la seguridad de los niños en su centro de cuidado infantil. Si necesita ayuda para elegir cursos en una variedad de temas, comuníquese con la oficina de KCCTO para conectarse con un especialista en capacitación y asistencia técnica.

  • Foundations of Play with Infants and Toddlers

    Through exploration and wonder, play happens within everyday experiences. Learn the elements of play in children's actions from birth that are often considered the "work" of early learners. Discuss types and elements of play that support learning in both family child care and center-based programs. Examine the importance of recognizing children's interests to foster growth and development. Delve into play environment and materials.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Free Play?!? No Way!!!

    What words or pictures come to mind when you hear “free play”? Children running around? Chaos and mess? Take the scary out of free play. Learn about how free play supports development and how to implement free play in your program. This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Free Play?!? No Way!!!

  • From the Start: Creating Healthy Spaces for Infants and Toddlers

    Learn to create healthy space for infants and toddlers in this introductory course. Understand responsive caregiving for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs. Take a closer look at the routines of mealtimes, diapering and toileting, and rest times. Learn to create schedules that support routines and transitions for infants and toddlers.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

    Take this course and earn 4 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Germs: When Caring Means Not Sharing

    Learn how infectious diseases spread in early care and education programs in this course. Learn about communicable and non-communicable diseases. Find out about the importance of immunizations. Explore methods to manage the spread of illness and consider the impact of excluding ill children from child care.      This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.     Take this course and earn 3 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.  [course#1360]
  • Guiding Infants and Toddlers: Understanding Behaviors

    Study typical developmental behaviors displayed by infants and toddlers. Identify temperament types, and understand the importance of creating goodness of fit for all children, whether in family child care or center-based child care programs. Explore ways to respond effectively during a biting situation, and develop strategies for supporting children who bite and for guiding the behavior of infants and toddlers during daily routines.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Handling, Storing, and Disposing of Hazardous Materials and Biological Contaminants

    Gain the basics of implementing Standard Precautions when there is the potential of bloodborne pathogens, how to dispose and handle bio contaminant episodes, and ways to store and handle hazardous materials. Gain knowledge about safe practices in this course adapted, in part, with permission from Fight BAC! ® Goes to Childcare. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment initial health and safety training requirements in bloodborne pathogens and hazardous materials.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Harvest for Healthy Kids

    Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables are critical for the overall health and well-being of growing children.  Help children meet the recommendations for daily fruit and vegetable intake. 

    Learn about the Harvest for Healthy Kids curriculum and learn how to implement the curriculum and gain access to weekly activity kits. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Help Me Learn–Universal Design for Learning

    Early childhood care providers are superheroes! Each day, you are challenged to meet the unique and varying strengths and abilities of all young children. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to help provide access and learning for all. UDL encourages providers to consider three key elements: multiple means of engagement, representation and expression.  Participants will learn the basics of UDL and its rationale for use. They will also practice planning 1 or 2 learning activities incorporating the UDL process and the Kansas Early Learning Standards. If you are looking for new ideas and strategies to help engage all young learners, this training is for you!  This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. ​

  • Help Me Talk–Supporting Young Children’s Communication Development Naturally

    Do you have children in your care who sometimes struggle to tell you their thoughts, wants, and needs? Are you looking for ideas for how you can support them naturally in your child care setting? If so, look no further! In this training, you will learn about many common communication differences, strategies to help facilitate language development with young children, and ways to provide inclusive communication supports naturally in your everyday routines.

  • Helping Young Children & Families Experiencing Homelessness

    This course is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by young children and families experiencing homelessness. We will explore the terms and definitions of homelessness, contributing factors that can lead to homelessness as well as the potential developmental and emotional effects on young children. Participants will be equipped with strategies and resources needed to provide a nurturing and stable environment for all children.This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • How Teething, Weaning, and Oral Habits Impact Oral Health

    Learn about three events that can have a significant impact on a child's oral health. Take a look at what to expect during the teething process, how to properly wean infants and toddlers, and the advantages and disadvantages of non-nutritive sucking. Find ideas for discontinuation of oral habits such as thumb sucking, and pacifier use and gain knowledge for oral health as you care for infants and toddlers in family child care or center-based programs. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs. 

  • How to Support Breastfeeding Mother and Families (en Español) | Cómo Apoyar a las Madres y a las Familias Lactantes

    Obtenga información básica desarrollada en colaboración con la Coalición de Lactancia Materna de Kansas sobre el apoyo para las familias de infantes lactantes. Infórmese sobre la manipulación y el almacenamiento correcto de la leche materna, los comportamientos de los bebés lactantes y los beneficios de la lactancia materna para el infante, la madre y la comunidad.

    Este curso es adecuado para todos los profesionales de cuidado y educación temprana a cargo de infantes en programas de centros y cuidado infantil familiar.

    Este curso está completamente en español.

  • How to Support Breastfeeding Mothers and Families

    Learn basic information developed in collaboration with the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition about support for families of breastfed infants. Learn about proper handling and storing of breastmilk, behaviors of breastfed babies, and benefits of breastfeeding for the infant, mother, and the community. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants in both family child care and center-based programs. 


  • I Need to Move! Promoting Physical Development

    Move beyond basic understanding to a more in-depth look at the physical development of young children. Examine ways that young children need to move to develop their motor skills. Explore large motor movements, tummy time, and fine motor movements with an emphasis on grasp development. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings with basic knowledge of physical development. 

  • I Need to Move! Promoting Physical Development Extended

    In this two-week course, go beyond gaining knowledge about children physical development and begin to apply new knowledge into practice through a Learn Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course examines how young children need to move to develop their motor skills through large motor, tummy time, and fine motor development. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose from two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect.   

    This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. Learn section of the course contains the same content as I Need to Move! Promoting Physical Development.  

    This 2-week course has requirements due each week. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings with basic knowledge of physical development.


  • Inclusive Care for Infants and Toddlers

    In this course, look at the process of identifying infants and toddlers with disabilities.  Explore strategies for supporting children in their natural environment and working alongside families. Find a brief overview of opioid-addicted infants and learn about available resources to help care for infants and toddlers with disabilities.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs. 

  • Inclusive Care for Preschool-Aged Children

    Find out the necessary steps to identify children with disabilities and delays, and learn about resources to support them. Learn to meet the developmental needs of all preschool children and gain a better understanding of how to directly help children in an inclusive environment while working alongside their families.
    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for preschool-aged children in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Inclusive Play-Based Learning

    Discover the magic of Inclusive Play-Based Learning and how to support children of all abilities during play. We know that play is the true work of childhood, but it can feel chaotic or even unorganized. We will dive into the developmental milestones seen during play, describe the elements of Inclusive Play-Based Learning, and identify how childcare professionals can provide inclusive support for all children to discover, learn, and thrive together!

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Infant and Toddler Child Development

    Explore more in-depth development of infants and toddlers. Learn about the importance of the following areas: attachment, perceptual development, movement, and fine and gross motor skills, brain development, language skills, and social-emotional development.

    Your experience with this subject is best when you complete this course after the Basics of Child Development course.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Infant Art: Foundations of Creativity

    Understand the importance of art for infants. Learn how to incorporate appropriate art experiences into daily activities in your child care setting. Discuss ways to create environments in family child care or center-based programs rich in beauty, experiences, and exploration of art. Learn the safety and supervision of infants during art experiences and how to choose appropriate art materials.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who care for infants and toddlers in both family child care and center-based programs.

  • Intentional Planning to Support Free Play

    Explore how objective child observations paired with developmentally appropriate teaching strategies can be used to develop individualized, intentional lesson plans that support free play. This course is only available for professionals who have completed the Free Play?!? No Way!!! training.


    This is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Intentional Planning to Support Free Play.

  • Introduction to Designing Environments

    While human relationships play a key role in children's healthy development, physical and social environments also impact children's development. Explore the elements of designing an effective early childhood setting.  Learn how physical space and materials of the indoor environment and grouping children influence children.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Introduction to Ethics in the Early Childhood Profession

    In this introductory course, participants will explore the National Association for the Education of Young Children Code of Ethics.  This course will provide a foundation for what ethics and core values are in early childhood programs.  Participants will have an opportunity to learn about how to solve common ethical dilemmas in the workplace.   

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

  • Introduction to Menu Planning

    Explore the basic principles and techniques of menu planning. Understand nutritional standards and how to read nutrition labels; gain strategies for introducing new foods to children and gain strategies for expanding food choices for picky eaters. 

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Introduction to Menu Planning Extended

    In this two-week course, go beyond gaining knowledge about basic principles and techniques of menu planning and begin to apply new knowledge into practice through a Learn Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course explores nutritional standards and how to read nutrition labels gain strategies for introducing new foods to children and gain strategies for expanding food choices for picky eaters. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect. This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. The Learn section of the course contains the same content as Introduction to Menu Planning.  

    This 2-week course has requirements due each week. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 


  • Kansas Early Learning Standards

    Explore the 3rd edition of Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS) developed by the Kansas Department of Education. Explore how early childhood providers and teachers use the standards to guide their understanding of the developmental sequence of learning for children from birth through kindergarten.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Leadership Series: Inspiring Early Childhood Leaders

    If you hold an administrative or director position in an early care and education program, you are eligible for this book study of how to create a vision for your staff and implement positive staff changes. Take this advanced, five-week blended course to gain leadership skills to benefit your team. Combine assigned book readings, online course assignments, and weekly Zoom video conferencing meetings.  Find strategies designed to support program leaders. Find new ways to reduce levels of stress on yourself and your staff. Move into a unified, engaging system for leading with passion, intention, and purpose. Join Zoom via webcam or smartphone.  

    Upon registration, receive a personal copy of Inspiring Early Childhood Leadership: Eight Strategies to Ignite Passion and Transform Program Quality by Susan MacDonald.  

    Weekly Zooms are on Wednesday's at 1:00 pm.  Zooms links will be shared during the course session.  

    This course is only available for professionals who hold administrative or director positions in their early care and education program or are licensed as a Group Day Care Home and employ staff.  

  • Leadership: Making Positive Changes to Your Program

    Organizational quality improvement requires continuous attention. Explore Human Performance Technology models and apply the framework to your organization with guided support throughout the course. Evaluate program interventions to determine their effectiveness and use conceptual designs to begin to see how it all fits together towards continuous quality improvement.

    This course is appropriate for early childhood center-based program administrators and directors.

  • Leadership: Reflection and Coaching to Support Staff

    Explore reflection strategies for yourself and the power of supporting staff with reflection and coaching through content, journaling, one-on-one support, and Reflection in Action assignments. Activities in the course include meeting with a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist four times for reflection and guidance and practicing a coaching session with one lead teaching staff member. All coaching tools are provided. This course is a self-paced course that can be started at any time and must be completed within 60 days of start.

    This course is only available for professionals who hold administrative or director positions in their center-based early care and education program.


  • Listen to the Rhythm: Books, Music, and Movement

    Learn music techniques for children up to preschool-age developed with the expertise of Margaret Hooton, early childhood music specialist. Learn that music is more than instruments.  Examine the basics of music and movement in regard to pitch, personal space, and general space and extend everyday music and movement activities.  Learn how to incorporate your favorite children's book as well as new chants and songs to include with literacy opportunities.    

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Listen to the Rhythm: Books, Music, and Movement Extended

    In this two-week course, go beyond gaining knowledge about music with children and begin to apply new knowledge into practice through a Learn Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course examines the basics of music and movement in regard to pitch, personal space, and general space and extend everyday music and movement activities. Also, learning how to incorporate your favorite children’s book as well as new chants and songs to include with literacy opportunities. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose from two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect. This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer.   

    The Learn section of the course contains the same content as Listen to the Rhythm: Books, Music, and Movement.  

    This 2-week course has requirements due each week. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Coachable Moments

    If we view managing staff like a traffic light, we can identify when staff need a green light to keep going and grow in their skills. This is the time when staff need us to coach them and lightly guide them on the path of success. In this training, we will explore what it means to coach staff, when do it and how to do it successfully.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Coaching Staff

    What is the right way to coach staff? How can you help to improve their practice without hurting their feelings? In this training, you will gain an understanding of the five principles of coaching, as well as the three steps to coaching. We will also explore a variety of tactics for corrective coaching.

    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program. 

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Corrective Action Plans

    If we view managing personnel like a traffic light where we increasingly address concerning issues or behavior, we may get to the red light. This is when there’s an immediate need for correction related to staff performance, compliance, or behavior. In this training, we’ll explore what corrective action is and when it is needed. Additionally, we will review the components of an effective correction plan and how to successfully implement the plan with a staff member.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Creating Resilient Staff

    In this training, we'll discuss resilience, the ability to “bounce back” from adverse events. While typically formed during childhood, it's not too late for the adults as well! This topic is especially useful if you have staff that don't seem to have “push”, the drive to continue to carry on despite the many obstacles childcare providers, face all day, every day.

    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program. 

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Family Engagement from the Start: Enrolling Infant and Toddler Families

    Enrolling a new infant or toddler is more than just filling the open slot, it’s adding a new family to the program community. Just like the trailer to a great movie, we need to start off strong with engaging families as they enter the program. In this course we will look at the roles each staff person holds, details on how to establish positive caregiving partnerships, and how to support staff in building relationships with new children and their families.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Feedback Without Fear

    One way to get families involved in your program is to ask for feedback.  What do they like?  What could be better?  What do you do with the feedback once you have it?  In this training, we will explore ways to ask families for feedback, and how to use that feedback constructively.​


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.


    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.



  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Interviewing and Hiring Staff

    Needing to hire more people? You’re not alone! But how do you get the BEST people to come work for you? Learn how to strengthen your hiring process from advertising to decision making to ensure you’re hiring the best people for your program​.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Investing in New Staff

    How can you support new staff and keep them committed to the field? Learn how to prevent turn over by investing in new staff through training and development, feedback and recognition, and peer involvement.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Families

    Difficult conversations with the families of your program are inevitable. Often, you may need to rely on your staff to have those conversations. But how do we do that while maintaining relationships? In this training, we’ll cover why difficult conversations exist, how we can approach them, and how we can support our staff in those conversations.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Promoting Teamwork

    In this training, directors of childcare programs will learn about the connection between relationships and teamwork, understand how to promote teamwork through participatory management, and identify strategies for promoting a strong team. This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education programs.


    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Self-Care for Directors and Staff

    Your role as a director may often leave you feeling like you are pouring from an empty cup. How can you ensure your cup – and those of your staff – stay full? This training will build your understanding of capacity and burnout, along with practical self-care guidance and tips for you and your staff. This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.


    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Staffing and Retention

    How do you hire quality staff? How do you keep them with your program? In this training, we will explore guidelines for moving through the hiring process, tactics for staff retention, and KDHE licensing regulations for hiring new staff. This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.


    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Supporting Long-Term Staff

    What makes long-term staff unique?  How can you lead this staff effectively and how can you retain them in your program?  We will discuss the importance of long-term staff, how to meet their unique needs, teacher burnout, and using long-term staff as mentors.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Supporting Parent/Teacher Relationships Through Listening & Responding

    Do you listen or do you actively listen? As a director, parent concerns are bound to come across your desk, and it is important to actively listen to understand fully. Often times we are quick to give solutions without thinking of the long-term effect “rescuing” has on relationships. In this training we will cover ways to actively listen, how to respond to parent concerns that helps build parent/teacher relationships, and communication strategies to reduce parent concerns.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Teachable Moments

    If we are managing staff like a traffic light, they received coaching at the green light. Now, we need to tighten up from coaching and provide more direct support at the yellow light. In this training we will learn how to support staff through modeling and feedback.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director’s positions in early care and education programs.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: The Early Childhood Director’s Toolkit: Resources and Connections

    Have you ever needed some external support for your program but didn’t know where to turn?  Looking for ways to connect with local, state, and national resources available to you?  This training explores several different resources and connections, all designed to aid the early childhood director. 


    This course is appropriate for professionals who hold director positions in their early education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: The Family Handbook

    The Family Handbook: We all have one, but how much does it actually do?  A family handbook is your first line of communication to families, a representation of your program's professionalism, and can even help you to avoid legal troubles!  In this training, we'll explore why a quality family handbook is important, and discuss valuable content for your family handbook.  This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: The Staff Handbook

    A staff handbook can set the expectations and the culture of a program, if developed well, regularly utilized and updated. In this training, we will identify the content to have in a staff handbook and identify strategies to maintain a well-crafted handbook. This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education programs.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Using Social Media to Engage Families

    In these modern times, are you maximizing social media to engage families?  Are you wondering where to start?  Join us as we discuss using social media to engage families of your program.  We'll review the use of social media for parent engagement, create a social media plan, and discuss policies that may be useful regarding social media and your program.


    This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program. 


    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Utilizing Staff and Family Handbooks

    Is your program’s staff and family handbook a tool utilized in your toolbelt or is it simply decoration on a shelf? These handbooks can be used as a reference to guide and a shield to protect when utilized. In this training, we will identify a variety of ways to communicate and implement policies and procedures to staff and families. This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.

  • Live Virtual: “”We Like to Potty!””: A Provider’s Guide to Supporting Potty Training

    Potty training is a big step for a child and their family! It can be exciting, yet stressful, and requires a big commitment for all involved. In this course we will look at identifying when a child is ready to begin the potty-training process, learn some tips and tricks on getting started, and how you can include the family to ensure everyone is on the same page. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: A Provider’s Guide to Navigating Hard Conversations with Infant and Toddler Families

    Hard conversations are hard! It can be difficult to navigate when a parent comes to you with a complaint, or when there is a concern with a child that you need to discuss with the child’s family. How can you accomplish that in a way that everybody feels like they are heard, and you can come to mutually agreeable solutions? This training will explore protective urges, active listening, and how to successfully navigate parent concerns.


    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.


    This course is the same content as the “A Provider’s Guide to Navigating Hard Conversations with Infant and Toddler Families” in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Academic AND Play-Based: Building Cognitive Skills Through Play

    Research tells us that young children learn best from activities that are embedded into play and routines. However, in a time of increased emphasis on "school readiness", play in early childhood settings is more and more pushed to the side and replaced with "academic" activities such as worksheets that focus on the ABC's and 123's. But did you know that Cognitive Development--the development of our thinking skills--involves so much more than these pre-academic skills? And that ALL cognitive skills, including these pre-academic skills, are best learned through play? This session will introduce participants to the varied thinking skills that are necessary for infant, toddler, and preschool development, as well as ways that these skills can be facilitated through PLAY! Come for an interactive, hands-on learning opportunity that will get you thinking!


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 


    This course is the same content as the Academic AND Play-Based: Building Cognitive Skills Through Play in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Active Supervision in the Family Child Care Program

    Providing child care in your home can be challenging.   How do you make sure that you and your space is prepared to safely care for multiple children at the same time?   This course will take a look at the strategies of active supervision in your in-home child care as well as ways to provide individualized, responsive caregiving to keep children safe. This course is appropriate for family child care providers. Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.

  • Live Virtual: Anti-Bias in Early Childhood

    What is anti-bias and what does it look like in the early childhood environment? Learn the four goals of anti-bias and what materials and classroom supports to use. Explore teaching goals and developmental milestones related to anti-bias.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Behavior Guidance: Stating Behavioral Expectations

    When children clearly understand what you expect of them, they can more securely play and work within those parameters. In this training, you will explore how and why it is important to state behavioral expectations during activities and routines for preschoolers, toddlers, and mixed-aged groups of children. In this training, you will explore how and why it is important to state behavioral expectations during activities and routines. 

    You will be introduced to the four steps involved in developing and teaching developmentally appropriate expectations that support children in being successful in meeting appropriate expectations. 

    This training is appropriate for early care and education professionals who care for preschoolers, toddlers and mixed-aged groups.  

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Live Virtual: Budgets, Projections, and Planning

    Join us for this LIVE two-hour virtual training on Budgets, Projectionss, and Planning for child care businesses.
    Delve into the business side of child care by exploring why it is important to have a balanced budget, how to use a budget to make financial decisions and future projections, and plan for future program goals.
    This training is the first course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order, but it is not required to do so.

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.
    Interested in an online course on this topic? Check out the online Strengthening Business Practices: Budgets, Projections, and Planning course.

    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators.

  • Live Virtual: Busy Blocks: Creating and Maintaining Quality Block Play

    Fun fact: Playing with blocks is one activity where children can work on ALL learning and development domains!  In this session, we'll explore the stages of block play, review materials needed for a quality area, and discuss some tips and tricks to make block play successful.  This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    This course is the same content as the "Busy Blocks: Creating and Maintaining Quality Block Play" in-person training.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Connections Matter in Early Childhood

    Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, they help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier, stronger community. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage participants in building caring connections to improve resiliency, prevent childhood trauma, and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma. Connections Matter explores how the connections we make in life profoundly impact our brain’s ability to grow and our own abilities to cope and thrive. This is done through a training curriculum that educates participants on adverse childhood experiences, trauma, brain development and resilience. Connections Matter ultimately strives to promote the building of more resilient, compassionate, and trauma-informed communities – thus allowing all children and individuals to succeed.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.


    This live virtual training requires attendance at two sessions (on the start and end dates indicated). Participants are required to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.


    For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • Live Virtual: Creating an Inclusive and Language-Rich Early Childhood Setting

    Some research indicates that approximately 10% of young children are experiencing some sort of communication impairment. As a child care provider, you are in a wonderful position to shape young children into successful communicators. Learn about the basics of communication development, key elements of an inclusive and language-rich early childhood setting, and a variety of activities to encourage language development naturally throughout the child's day.

  • Live Virtual: Discipline with the Whole Child in Mind

    Typical approaches to behavior include threats and punishment – which only focus on the right now. Research has taught us much about how our brains regulate our emotions and either encourage or inhibit learning. This course examines how we can use our understanding of brain science to bring children to a place where they can learn how to manage big emotions.   This course will explore connection techniques to promote long term behavioral and relational skills.

  • Live Virtual: Don’t Say Don’t, and What to Say Instead: Using Language to Guide Children

    This course will provide participants with specific words, phrases, and practices to avoid when guiding and disciplining children, along with specific words, phrases, and practices to use instead.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.


    This course is the same content as the Don’t Say Don’t, and What to Say Instead In-Person Training

  • Live Virtual: Early Intervention and Special Education Basics

    The Early Intervention and Special Education system can be complicated. Have you had a child in your care who may have a developmental delay or disability and weren’t sure what to do next? This training will explain the basics of the EI and SE system and how you can help the child and their family find the supports they need.

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with children birth through 5 years old.

  • Live Virtual: Engaging Conversations with Children

    Conversations are more than just talking; they create opportunities to build a relationship between two people while mutually giving benefits to both children and adults. When you promote conversations, you foster children's cognitive and social development and enhance their language skills. Join this Live Virtual presentation to add knowledge to your understanding of the benefits and elements of meaningful conversations with children. Learn how to identify opportunities to have conversations with children and strategies to engage children in conversations. [course#1412]
  • Live Virtual: Establishing Partnerships with Families in Family Child Care

    When you enroll a new child into your family child care program, you invite another family into your home. You agree to support the family in caring for their little one. Establishing a positive relationship with the family during the enrollment period is a crucial step in building a trusting partnership. In this course we will look at how to establish, build and maintain positive relationships with new children and their families. Because enrolling a new child is more than just filling the open slot, it’s partnering with a family. ​

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working in a family child care program. 

  • Live Virtual: Financial Reports and Internal Controls

    In this Live Virtual, 2-hour course, you will discover the value of using financial reports and internal controls to make informed financial decisions for your child care program. Explore the financial reports important to child care programs such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. You will also learn to identify internal controls and how they can strengthen the fiscal health of the child care program.
    Live Virtual: Financial Reports and Internal Controls is the second course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order, but it is not required to do so. It is recommended to attend the Live Virtual or online Budget course before you complete the Financial Reports course.  

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

    Looking for an online course on this topic? Check out the online Strengthening Business Practices: Financial Reports and Internal Controls course.
    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators.  

  • Live Virtual: Following Children’s Lead

    Join us for this LIVE virtual training to learn about engaging children in learning by following their lead.  How do you follow children's lead?  Learn what it means to follow children's lead, explore strategies on how you can follow children's lead, and discuss examples of how this looks in daily interactions. This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 


  • Live Virtual: Fostering Connections with Families in Center-Based Care

    We all experience some anxiety during the enrollment process, and our new children and families do too! Helping children and their families become comfortable in a new childcare setting can be one of the biggest challenges we face. In this course we will look at the roles of engagement and how to establish, build and maintain positive relationships with new children and their families. Because enrolling a new child is more than just filling the open slot, it’s adding a new family to the program community. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working in a center-based program.

  • Live Virtual: Free Play?!? No Way!!!

    What words or pictures come to mind when you hear “free play”? Children running around? Chaos and mess? Take the scary out of free play. Learn about how free play supports development and how to implement free play in your program. This course is the same content as the Free Play?!? No Way!!! in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Help Me Learn–Universal Design for Learning

    Early childhood care providers are superheroes! Each day, you are challenged to meet the unique and varying strengths and abilities of all young children. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to help provide access and learning for all. UDL encourages providers to consider three key elements: multiple means of engagement, representation and expression.  Participants will learn the basics of UDL and its rationale for use. They will also practice planning 1 or 2 learning activities incorporating the UDL process and the Kansas Early Learning Standards. If you are looking for new ideas and strategies to help engage all young learners, this training is for you!  This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. ​

  • Live Virtual: Help Me Talk–Supporting Young Children’s Communication Development Naturally

    Do you have children in your care who sometimes struggle to tell you their thoughts, wants, and needs? Are you looking for ideas for how you can support them naturally in your child care setting? If so, look no further! In this training, you will learn about many common communication differences, strategies to help facilitate language development with young children, and ways to provide inclusive communication supports naturally in your everyday routines.

  • Live Virtual: Helping Young Children & Families Experiencing Homelessness

    This course is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by young children and families experiencing homelessness. We will explore the terms and definitions of homelessness, contributing factors that can lead to homelessness as well as the potential developmental and emotional effects on young children. Participants will be equipped with strategies and resources needed to provide a nurturing and stable environment for all children.This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: Inclusive Play-Based Learning

    Discover the magic of Inclusive Play-Based Learning and how to support children of all abilities during play. We know that play is the true work of childhood, but it can feel chaotic or even unorganized. We will dive into the developmental milestones seen during play, describe the elements of Inclusive Play-Based Learning, and identify how childcare professionals can provide inclusive support for all children to discover, learn, and thrive together!

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: Intentional Planning to Support Free Play

    Explore how objective child observations paired with developmentally appropriate teaching strategies can be used to develop individualized, intentional lesson plans that support free play. This course is only available for professionals who have completed the Free Play?!? No Way!!! training.


    This is the same content as the Intentional Planning to Support Free Play in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Keeping it R.E.A.L.

    Join us for this LIVE virtual training about Keeping it R.E.A.L. How can loose parts and recyclables strengthen young children's STEM skills?  This course explores using everyday materials to engage mixed age groups safely.  Examine the importance of your role in supporting math, science, language, and literacy skills, managing the environment using recyclables and loose parts, and bringing them together to align with Mathematics and Science KELS.  

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings

  • Live Virtual: Marketing Your Child Care Program

    In this 2 hour live virtual training we will look at the value of marketing efforts focused on external and internal elements. Explore how benefits and first impressions factor into marketing the program to families. Finally, this training will cover the importance of marketing to past, current and new families as well as the importance of marketing to child care employees.
    Live Virtual: Marketing Child Care Programs is the third course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order but is not required to do so.

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

    Looking for an online course on this topic? Check out the Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Marketing Your Child Care Program course.
    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators. 

  • Live Virtual: Maslow Before Bloom: Meeting the Individual Needs of Children

    Have you ever wondered why some children seem “ready” to learn, while others are just getting by?  In this training, you will learn how to meet each child where they’re at, using two prominent theories in child development: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Bloom’s Taxonomy.  You will gain an understanding of both theories, as well as how to support each child’s social and emotional competence so they are ready to learn.  This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.​

  • Live Virtual: Meeting the Needs of Children in Foster Care

    This training is designed to support providers who care for children that are in the foster care system. This training will provide a brief overview of trauma, trauma triggers, and toxic stress and how it impacts children. It will also help providers understand and support the unique needs of children in foster care and develop an understanding of how to support children with complex emotions related to trauma and family transitions.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: Not All Pigs Are Pink: Incorporating Process Art into Your Early Childhood Program

    “Can I be done now?”. “Is this right?”. “I can't do it!”. “Mine doesn't look like yours!”. These might be some of the things you hear children saying when you get to work on the daily art project. What if you could turn those statements into ones of, “Look what I made!”. “I'm going to make another!”. “Can I have more time?”? This course will lead participants to define and discuss both product and process art, along with exploring methods and resources to implement and facilitate process art into their programs.

    This course is the same content as the "Not All Pigs Are Pink: Incorporating Process Art into Your Early Childhood Program" in-person training.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Ouch! Biting Hurts: Why Toddlers Bite and What to do About It

    Biting is one of the biggest behavior concerns when working with toddlers. Often, we have children who bite for what feels like no reason! In this training, we’ll explore reasons why children bite, utilize observation and documentation to understand the why, learn practical strategies to prevent biting, and learn how to respond appropriately to a biting incident. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. This course is the same content as the Ouch! Biting Hurts in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Primary Caregiving for Infants & Toddlers in a Center Setting

    Research shows that infants and toddlers develop trust and attachment when primary caregivers engage in consistent, responsive, and meaningful interactions with them. These relationships and engagements buffer stress and help the infant or toddler regulate, as well as, correlating with children’s success in school and life. This course will explain what Primary Caregiving is, along with first-step planning to begin implementing Primary Caregiving into your classroom and center.

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers in a Center setting.

  • Live Virtual: Purposeful Interactions

    Join us for this LIVE virtual training about the importance of purposeful interactions in early language and literacy development.  Young children look to you to provide them with new information, support for their feelings, guidance for their behavior, and feedback on their accomplishments.  Being purposeful in the interactions and experiences you offer young children is essential to supporting early language and literacy.  In this training, you will learn how to create engaging and purposeful activities, experiences, and interactions with young children.  Discuss how to plan purposeful interactions for every day moments and add knowledge to your understanding of the power of purposeful interactions with children.  Learn how to identify areas of interests and levels of literacy and language skills with children and strategies to engage children in purposeful experiences. 

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Live Virtual: Putting the Kansas Early Learning Standards into Practice: An Overview for Early Childhood Professionals

    This training provides an overview of the KELS (Kansas Early Learning Standards) with useful information targeted specifically for child care providers and teachers. Information provided will help participants gain a better understanding on how the KELS can be used to identify, plan and implement developmentally appropriate early learning activities for young children. This training is for early childhood providers and teaching staff.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Recruiting and Retaining Staff

    This high-level 2-hour, LIVE Virtual training will help early childhood program administrators and family child care owners to strengthen their staff recruiting efforts and improve the ability to retain quality child care employees that support strong business practices. This training will provide tips on creating effective job descriptions, conducting interviews, providing a quality orientation process as well as providing evaluations and feedback.
    Live Virtual: Recruiting and Retaining Staff is the fourth course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete the four modules in order; however, it is not required to do so.

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

    Looking for an online course on this topic? Check out the online course Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Recruiting and Retaining Staff.
    This course is designed for Family Child Care Providers and Childcare Center Administrators that operate with employees. This course is not intended for center staff.

  • Live Virtual: Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers

    Though young infants and toddlers are still developing their verbal skills, they are communicating their needs all the time. It is our responsibility as providers to notice their behavioral cues and positively respond to them. In this training, participants will learn the foundations of social-emotional development of infants and toddlers, what responsive care is, and how to utilize the responsive process to engage in intentional interactions with infants and toddlers to support their social and emotional development. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers. This course is the same content as Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers: In-person training

  • Live Virtual: Sand and Water Play for Infants and Toddlers

    Have you ever wondered what sand and water play could look like in your program? Join us in this training as we discuss the importance of sand and water play for infants and toddlers, describe the elements needed to create a sand and water area, and identify the providers role in the sand and water area. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Live Virtual: Science Learning for Infants and Toddlers

    Young children, beginning at birth, are naturally curious and wired to explore, test, learn and discover. This training will explain why science learning is important for infants and toddlers; provide strategies for setting up a science-rich environment using a variety of age-appropriate and hands-on materials, and identify how to plan science activities that align with the Kansas Early Learning Standards.

    This course is the same content as the "Science for Infants and Toddlers" in-person training.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Self-Care for Early Childhood Providers

    How do you blow off steam? Are you worn out because you feel like you’re 'on' all the time?  How does taking care of yourself benefit others? It’s surprising that we don’t emphasize self-care more than we do! Practicing self-care is an important professional development activity that will help you to cognitively, physically, and emotionally ‘bounce back’ each day. Mindful and consistent self-care is central to preventing or reducing stress and burnout which is important in maintaining and enhancing your well-being now and in the future!

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

  • Live Virtual: Sign, Sign, Baby: Using Baby Signs to Promote Language Development of Infants and Toddlers

    Wouldn’t it be nice if a baby could communicate their wants and needs prior to spoken language? Baby sign language teaches children to communicate and express their wants, needs, likes, and dislikes before they are able to verbally speak. In this training, participants will learn the stages of language development, common concerns, strategies to support language development, and learn 15 simple baby signs to apply to practice. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: STEM for Babies and Toddlers

    What is STEM? Isn’t that for older children? No! The foundation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math start in the earliest years. Learn how babies and toddlers engage with STEM learning and how you can support them!


    This course is the same as the in-person STEM for Babies and Toddlers.

  • Live Virtual: Supportive Environments

    Join us for this LIVE virtual training about the importance of supportive environments in early language and literacy development.   Supportive environments tell children that they are loved and that their work is valued.   High-quality supportive environments that are inviting, comfortable, and respectful of all children and families' diversity support and nurture each child's language and literacy development.  Spaces speak!  Add to your understanding of a language and literacy-rich supportive environment. Learn how to identify the key components of a supportive environment and explore strategies to promote and enrich children's early literacy experiences.   

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Live Virtual: The Early Childhood Provider’s Toolkit: Resources and Connections

    In the early chlidhood field, it is important to have a toolkit - a virtual box of resources, connections, and outlets for support in providing high quality care and education to children. New to the field? Experienced, but looking to find out what's new? In this training, you'll learn about local, state, and national resources available to you!   This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: The Importance of Tobacco Free Environments

    Join us for this LIVE Virtual Training exploring the benefits of tobacco-free environments and how these environments protect children.  This interactive course will increase your knowledge and understanding of what secondhand and thirdhand smoke is, as well as ways to promote tobacco-free living.  Practice strategies to become more comfortable having conversations with families about supporting the creation of tobacco-free environments. Free resources are available to all Kansans to quit tobacco and vape use.   

    This virtual training requires you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.  Zoom access information will be provided by email the day before the training.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Live Virtual: The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: Engaging Families

    Caring for children goes far beyond the daily ins and outs of childcare. Often, we come across events that require ethical decision-making. When a profession has ethics, it ensures that everyone involved gets what they need in a fair manner, and ensures we have guidelines for integrity. In this training, we will discuss professionalism, the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Code of Ethics, and navigating ethical considerations for families.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: The Power of Music as an Inclusive Tool in Early Childhood Settings

    Music is a powerful and inclusive tool that is often overlooked or under utilized in early childhood settings. This training provides the research and rationale for using music to help engage young learners, aid transitions, and teach new skills or expected behaviors. This training also introduces you to a new acronym "T.A.M.E.", which can be used to help providers when considering what songs to incorporate in their early childhood setting and how to make it inclusive. Finally, this training explores the concepts of piggyback songs and an early childhood song bag—both of which you will be able to start using as soon as tomorrow! This course is appropriate for all early care and educational professionals.

  • Live Virtual: Toddler Circle Time

    Leading a large group time with young children can be a challenge! Toddlers are naturally wiggly, and they can have a hard time staying focused during circle time if it doesn’t meet their needs. This training provides information on best practice techniques for circle time, ways to keep children meaningfully engaged, and provides an opportunity to draft a circle time plan that supports quality learning.   If you’ve ever struggled with circle time, this training is for you!

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Live Virtual: Tracking Milestones and Addressing Concerns with Parents

    Do you have developmental concerns about a child in your program? Join us as we look at the benefits of the regular use developmental checklists, how to use them to share concerns with parents and how to be an active listener. This course is appropriate for those providing care for children ages birth through five years.

  • Live Virtual: Understanding and Supporting Play with Infants and Toddlers

    We all know that that playing with infants and toddlers is important – but where do we start and how do we do it in a way that is developmentally appropriate? This training provides information on the needs, motivations, and play stages of infants and toddlers; along with interaction strategies and other resources that can guide you as you begin to incorporate more play with infants and toddlers into your current practice.

  • Live Virtual: Understanding Attachment: Exploring the Four Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships

    Have you ever wondered why adults approach relationships differently?  It's because of attachment!  In this training, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the evolution of Attachment Theory, the four attachment styles, and how to promote secure attachment with children. 

    This course is the same content as the "Understanding Attachment: Exploring the Four Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships" in-person training.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Using Technology Appropriately with Young Children

    Can my toddlers have screen time during the day?  What do I tell parents who want to know what apps to download to help their children learn? This training will dive into the world of using technology with young children.  We'll explore current guidelines and recommendations, how technology can be used in the early childhood environment, and how to engage and educate parents using technology.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    This course is the same content as the Using Technology Appropriately with Young Children in-person training.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Using Visual Supports to Create an Inclusive Program

    Learn how the use of visual supports can benefit the children in your program by decreasing behaviors, decreasing anxiety, and increasing communication and understanding. You will learn about the different types of visual supports, who they can benefit and how as well as how to create and use them.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Live Virtual: Why Dramatic Play

    Dramatic play is central to children’s healthy development and learning. It is creative and imaginative. Learn how you can support dramatic play through your environment, interactions, and planning. This course is the same content as the Why Dramatic Play in-person training.

  • Live Virtual: Why Fine Motor?

    Early childhood providers will understand what fine motor development is, why it is important and how to plan activities, both indoors and outdoors, to support young children's small muscle development. In addition, they will understand their role in setting up the environment, the importance of engaging with children during play and providing daily opportunities for children to develop their fine-motor skills. Lastly, providers will understand how to plan fine motor activities that align with the KELS and how to encourage family engagement.

    This course is the same content as the "Why Fine Motor?" In-person training.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

    You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Live Virtual: Wrestling with Safe Sleep

    Wrestling with Safe Sleep explores SIDS and SUID data including high risk populations and barriers to safe infant sleep. Sleep location, position, and environmental recommendations based on the 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Sleep Guidelines are discussed. PowerPoint, small group discussion and lecture format is used.

    This course meets 2 KDHE annual health and safety requirement hours and is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Maslow Before Bloom: Meeting the Individual Needs of Children

    Have you ever wondered why some children seem “ready” to learn, while others are just getting by?  In this training, you will learn how to meet each child where they’re at, using two prominent theories in child development: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Bloom’s Taxonomy.  You will gain an understanding of both theories, as well as how to support each child’s social and emotional competence so they are ready to learn.  This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.​

  • Meaningful Evidence: Understanding Assessment in Early Childhood Programs

    Ongoing assessment of children's growth is part of quality early childhood programs.  Engaging families in the assessment process is a vital part of an appropriate assessment for young children. Explore methods to engage families in the assessment process.  Learn about the meaningful and appropriate assessment and how assessment provides a way to document children's new skills and integrate the needs of each child into planning.  Understand the assessment cycle and gain tips on how to document and integrate assessment information into planning. 

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Meeting the Needs of Children in Foster Care

    This training is designed to support providers who care for children that are in the foster care system. This training will provide a brief overview of trauma, trauma triggers, and toxic stress and how it impacts children. It will also help providers understand and support the unique needs of children in foster care and develop an understanding of how to support children with complex emotions related to trauma and family transitions.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Mindfulness for Early Childhood Professionals

    Stress is common in early care and education professionals and has both positive and negative impacts.  Explore how practicing mindfulness can help reduce negative impacts of stress and how resilience helps people manage stress.  Learn mindfulness practices to use daily as well as information and activities to use with young children.  


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Mindfulness: A Resilience Practice

    Mindfulness is a state of being consciously aware of the present moment, feelings, thoughts and bodily responses. Mindfulness practices have been linked to increased calmness, empathy, and decreased stress. Children and adults experience daily stressors that can become too intense over time without the proper techniques to manage that stress. This course looks at mindfulness practices that foster resilience, and can be used by adults and taught to children.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • More Than Dress Up

    Dramatic play involves much more than providing dress up clothes! Children learn through the interactions with materials and other children how the world works and where they fit in. Examine the role of the adult in dramatic play and help families learn the benefits of dramatic play. 


    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  


  • More Than Dress Up Extended

    In this two-week course, go beyond gaining knowledge about children dramatic play and begin to apply new knowledge into practice through a Learn Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course examines how dramatic play involves much more than providing dress up clothes, as well as the role of the adult in dramatic play and help families learn the benefits of dramatic play. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose from two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect. This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. The Learn section of the course contains the same content as More Than Dress Up.  

    This two-week course has requirements due each week.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals incenter-based and family child care settings.  


  • Movement Through Music

    It’s time to get moving, have fun, and use music! Explore ways to incorporate music into physical activity in the early learning environment both indoors and outdoors. Learn about the effects of screen time on childhood obesity and the importance of physical activity for children to prevent childhood obesity. Record the amount of structured and unstructured time the children engage in.

    This course requires activities with children during the course session.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Next Steps: Emergency Preparedness for Child Care Centers

    Gain knowledge beyond basic emergency preparedness for center-based child care or preschool programs. Take an in-depth look at how to prepare children and programs for emergencies such as winter weather, intruder, and earthquake that could affect children in your care. Evaluate current emergency policies and procedures designed to assist you in emergency situations.
    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals who work in center-based or preschool programs.
    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.

  • Next Steps: Emergency Preparedness for Family Child Care

    Gain knowledge beyond basic emergency preparedness for family child care programs. Take an in-depth look at planning for emergencies, and explore the variety of situations that family child care programs potentially could experience. Create emergency plans and procedures that will help family child care providers inform parents and prepare and protect children before, during, and after an emergency.

    This course is appropriate for professionals who own or work in licensed Day Care or Group Day Care Home programs.

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.

  • Not All Pigs Are Pink: Incorporating Process Art into Your Early Childhood Program

    “Can I be done now?”. “Is this right?”. “I can’t do it!”. “Mine doesn’t look like yours!”. These might be some of the things you hear children saying when you get to work on the daily art project. What if you could turn those statements into ones of, “Look what I made!”. “I’m going to make another!”. “Can I have more time?”? This course will lead participants to define and discuss both product and process art, along with exploring methods and resources to implement and facilitate process art into their programs.  


    This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Not All Pigs Are Pink: Incorporating Process Art into Your Early Childhood Program.

  • Notice, Wonder, Explore…Science with Children

    Explore what science looks like in early childhood programs and understand science in the early childhood years. Examine the role of the child care professional in supporting young children's scientific inquiry. Learn to create an environment that promotes science experiences for children. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Notice, Wonder, Explore…Science with Children Extended

    In this two-week extended course, go beyond exploring what science in early childhood looks like and begin to apply that knowledge into practice through a Learn-Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course explores what science looks like in early childhood programs and science in the early childhood years. Examine the role of the child care professional in supporting young children' scientific inquiry and learning to create an environment that promotes science experiences for children. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose between two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect.   


    This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. The Learn section of the course contains the same content as Notice, Wonder, Explore Science with Children  

    This two-week course has requirements due each week.  

    Course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings with basic knowledge of physical development. 


  • Nurturing the Brain – Body Connection

    Research shows that physical activities that promote mid-line crossing strengthens neural pathways enabling us to better process new information and changing situations. Many activities we use with children can be used more intentionally to promote this development. This workshop will help participants recognize these important connections and select activities to enhance the brain - body connections.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Observation 1: An Introduction to Observing Children

    Find out why observations of young children are essential to quality care and teaching. In this course, review six key practices for effective observation, and explore the most common observation tools. Learn that conducting observation is only the first part of the process of observation in early childhood programs. Reflecting on observation information and taking action are the other pieces of the process.  

    Your experience with this subject is best when you take this course before taking the course Observation 2:  Tools for Observing Children—A Guided Practice. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Observation 2: Tools for Observing Children

    Learn to write observation statements that are factual and remove interpretation. Practice using a variety of observation tools such as narrative records, anecdotal records, running records, and time sampling. Explore using checklists, frequency count records, work samples, photographs, and videos to document children's growth and development. Print the observation packet found on the course homepage to use as you practice using observation tools by watching videos.   

    Your experience with this subject is best when you take this course after taking the course Observation 1: An Introduction to Observing Children course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Ongoing Child Assessment to Support Learning

    Explore the ongoing child assessment process and its components including the basics of the observation and assessment process, strategies to make the most of assessment to support learning, and key considerations for planning and carrying out effective assessment, observation, and documentation.

  • Orientation to Early Childhood

    Gain information about career options available in the early childhood profession. Learn employment requirements for different care settings and about support systems available to early education professionals. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Orientation to the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

    Are you interested in furthering your career while working with young children? Learn about the requirements to apply for the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, a nationally recognized credential in early childhood education in this course. Find out the steps to the CDA, CDA types, training requirements, where to apply, and methods that candidates use to demonstrate knowledge and experience.

    This course is appropriate for any early childhood professional interested in working toward a Family Child Care, Infant/Toddler, or Preschool Child Development Associate Credential.

  • Ouch! Biting Hurts: Why Toddlers Bite and What to do About It

    Biting is one of the biggest behavior concerns when working with toddlers. Often, we have children who bite for what feels like no reason! In this training, we’ll explore reasons why children bite, utilize observation and documentation to understand the why, learn practical strategies to prevent biting, and learn how to respond appropriately to a biting incident. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Ouch! Biting Hurts.

  • Outdoor Play

    Outdoor play offers many benefits for children's physical and mental health. Spending more time outdoors during childhood has been linked to improved vision and a lower chance of nearsightedness. Outdoor play is a nature way for children of all ages to do physical play regardless of their developmental abilities. This course will help participants better understand the benefits of allowing children outdoor time even if it does take a few more minutes to prepare them for the outdoors. 

  • Peer to Peer Coaching: The Effective Way to Team Build

    Want to communicate better, learn from your colleagues, and problem-solve together? This training highlights the importance of adult relationships in peer-to-peer coaching. You will learn strategies to embrace conflict and use a problem-solving approach.

  • Play: Problems and Interventions

    Learn to recognize children who have play problems and identify six behavior patterns that signal children need help with play. Learn how play problems limit the development of skills that lay the foundation for academic learning. Explore a process for helping children with play problems: observe, reflect, and intervene. Examine this process with required observation of children at play. Learn how child care professionals and teachers use direct support, curriculum activities, and peers to help a child develop play skills.

    This course requires observations of children during the course session.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who know about child development and a basic understanding of play theories.

  • Poison Prevention for Child Care Providers

    Understand what poison is, who is in jeopardy of poisoning, and how to reduce the risk for children in your care. Learn about the benefits of a Poison Control center, and learn the basics of first aid for poisoning.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

    Take this course and earn 2 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Portfolios: Celebrating Each Child

    Portfolios are useful, practical tools to aid childcare providers in acknowledging and documenting each child’s progress. Find the benefits of creating and evaluating child portfolios in this introduction to children’s portfolios. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Power of Positive Communication

    Whether we are communicating with other adults or children, people generally avoid conflict and see it as a negative experience. What if you had the tools to avoid that negative feeling and could turn conflict into a positive experience? Learn to understand reactions to conflict in order to better manage your attitudes and constructive communication. Examine conflict solutions and develop conflict resolution strategies that foster teamwork and win-win solutions. 

    This course requires activities with children during the course session. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Preschool Child Development

    Explore the development of preschool-aged children in the areas of cognitive, physical, language, and social and emotional development from the whole child perspective. Explore the connection between the developmental domains and activities to foster that development and the importance play to a preschooler's learning.

    Your experience with this subject is best when you complete this course after the Basics of Child Development course.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who work with preschool-aged children.

  • Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness: Movement

    Add to your basic knowledge of physical development and movement skills in young children.  Gain knowledge about the effects of childhood obesity from experts within pediatrics, nutrition, and child development. Find strategies and movement activities that promote wellness within early childhood. Through a license agreement with Child Care Exchange, view videos from experts in their fields and watch scenes from innovative early childhood classrooms that promote wellness and prevent obesity.   

    You will need the ability to watch and listen to videos to take this course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness: Nutrition

    Add to your basic understanding of nutrition and child development. Gain knowledge about the effects of childhood obesity from experts in pediatrics, nutrition, and child development. Learn strategies and activities to promote proper nutrition through developmentally appropriate practice. Through a license agreement with Child Care Exchange, view videos from experts in their fields and watch scenes from innovative early childhood classrooms that promote wellness and prevent obesity.   

    You will need the ability to watch and listen to videos to take this course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who work in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome

    If you have basic knowledge of child abuse prevention, increase your knowledge about ways to protect infants from risks of shaken baby syndrome (SBS). In this course, learn the signs, symptoms, and causes of SBS. Gain strategies for coping with crying, soothing, and self-care of infants. Find information on the Period of PURPLE Crying, a typical part of every infant's development, about Kansas SBS prevention efforts, and how to share this information with families.

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements.

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals who work with infants.

  • Preventing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Care Education

    Young children who experience expulsion or suspension are up to ten times more likely to be held back in school, face academic failure, become high school dropouts, and be incarcerated than children who do not. Learn about suspension and expulsion in early childhood programs in this higher-level course. Develop a better understanding of the short and long-term concerns as well as the prevention of suspension and expulsion. Gain resources including sample program policies aligned with state and federal guidance and extended online professional development resources for staff.        This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  [course#148]
  • Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease

    Gain information about infectious disease and how to implement infection controls to manage the spread of illness. In this foundation course, learn the importance of immunizations, appropriate hand hygiene, limiting the spread of microorganisms through appropriate diapering and toileting procedures, and when to exclude a child due to illness.
    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment's initial health and safety training requirements for infectious disease and immunizations.

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course.

  • Prevention of and Response to Emergencies Due to Food and Allergic Reactions

    Learn how to serve food safely in early education and child care programs. In this foundation course, learn about food allergies, about daily management of a food allergy, and how to prepare for a food allergy emergency. Advance your food-handling skills with knowledge adapted with permission from Core Four Practices of the Fight BAC! Food Safety Education Partnership.
    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment's initial health and safety training requirements for emergencies due to allergic reactions.

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course.

  • Primary Caregiving for Infants & Toddlers in a Center Setting

    Research shows that infants and toddlers develop trust and attachment when primary caregivers engage in consistent, responsive, and meaningful interactions with them. These relationships and engagements buffer stress and help the infant or toddler regulate, as well as, correlating with children’s success in school and life. This course will explain what Primary Caregiving is, along with first-step planning to begin implementing Primary Caregiving into your classroom and center.

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers in a Center setting.

  • Process and Art Creation

    Creativity is the act of learning something new. Explore the creative process and how to support the development of creativity in young children. Process art versus product art:  What is the difference, and why does it matter? Learn strategies to support process art experiences for young children.  Use examples of artwork of children currently in care during this course. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Process and Art Creation Extended

    Creativity is the act of learning something new. In this two-week extended course, go beyond exploring the creative process and begin to apply that knowledge into practice through a Learn-Apply format. The Learn section of this extended course explores the creative process and how to support the development of creativity in young children. Process art versus product art: What is the difference, and why does it matter? Learn strategies to support process art experiences for young children and use children artwork. Then in the Apply section, begin to apply knowledge by completing an Apply Project. You will choose between two project options: complete the project offline and return online to submit your project, engage in interactive peer learning discussions, and self-reflect. This extended course includes a group Zoom or individual call with your trainer. The Learn section of the course includes the same content as Process and Art Creation.  

    This two-week course has requirements due each week.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 


  • Promoting Family Engagement with Infant and Toddler Families

    If you care for infants and toddlers in family child care or center-based programs, find how to develop and grow relationships with their families. Understand the challenges of family engagement. In this course, find ways to provide events and opportunities for family engagement in unique and individual ways.  

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals who work with infants and toddlers. 

  • Putting the Kansas Early Learning Standards into Practice: An Overview for Early Childhood Professionals

    This training provides an overview of the Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS) with useful information targeted specifically for child care providers and teachers. Information provided will help participants gain a better understanding on how the KELS can be used to identify, plan and implement developmentally appropriate early learning activities for young children.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals and is the same content as the Live Virtual Training: Putting the KELS Into Practice: An Overview for Early Childhood Professionals.

  • Recognizing and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness

    Learn about common causes of homelessness and the impact that homelessness has on children and families. Explore the laws and regulations regarding access to education for children experiencing homelessness and how they relate to child care providers. Learn to build relationships and support families experiencing homelessness.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Reducing the Risk of SIDS and Using Safe Sleep Practices

    Learn the six safe sleep practices to use in the prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in early care facilities. Through this foundation course, examine safe sleep practices and environmental factors of concern to those who care for infants in family child care and center-based programs. Review the elements of a Safe Sleep Policy for your program. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for SIDS and safe sleep. 

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Respectful Teaching: A Responsive Approach to Infant and Toddler Learners

    Respect is the foundation of infant and toddler learning and caregiving.  Learn about the importance of respectful approaches to how infants and toddlers learn and thrive in early care experiences. Explore the elements of respect, the importance of unhurried time, and what respect should look like with everyday experiences. 

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with children from birth to age 3 in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers

    Though young infants and toddlers are still developing their verbal skills, they are communicating their needs all the time. It is our responsibility as providers to notice their behavioral cues and positively respond to them. In this training, participants will learn the foundations of social-emotional development of infants and toddlers, what responsive care is, and how to utilize the responsive process to engage in intentional interactions with infants and toddlers to support their social and emotional development. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers. This course is the same content as LIVE Virtual Training: Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers

  • Responsive Planning for Infants and Toddlers

    Within the foundation of relationships and positive interactions, this course provides insight into the responsive planning process for infants and toddlers. Participants will be aware of the importance of developing a responsive curriculum and understand how to create and implement responsive lesson plans. Additionally, participants will explore how to create an environment that supports responsive planning. This course is appropriate for people who work with infants and toddlers in center-based and family child care settings   [course#1175]
  • Safe Steps: Administering Medication to Children

    Medication can be crucial to the health and wellness of young children, but it can also be dangerous if given incorrectly, such as the wrong dose, wrong child, wrong time. In this foundation course, learn the steps of medication administration, including labeling, storage, disposal, necessary documentation, and administration policy needed to keep children safe and healthy. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for administering medications in facilities.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Sand and Water Play for Infants and Toddlers

    Have you ever wondered what sand and water play could look like in your program? Join us in this training as we discuss the importance of sand and water play for infants and toddlers, describe the elements needed to create a sand and water area, and identify the providers role in the sand and water area. This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Schedules, Routines, and Transitions

    A day in the life of a child is eventful! Having a predictable schedule, established routines, and planned transitions can help children feel safe in their environment. This course focuses on the importance of schedules, routines, and transitions and the key components needed to create a daily schedule. During training, participants will complete a daily schedule with planned routines and transitions that can be used in their practice. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • School-Age Care: Guidance for Youth Development

    Build your understanding of youth growth and development, and look at factors that affect youth behavior. Examine the connection between the behavior of school-age youth and adult guidance strategies. Explore the importance of communication with managing school-age children's behavior.

    Your experience with this subject is best when you take this course after taking the course School-Age Care: Introduction to Behavior and Guidance.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who work with school-aged children.

  • School-Age Care: Introduction to Behavior and Guidance

    Build on your understanding of youth development, and learn about behavior and guidance for school-aged children. Explore the importance of understanding youth growth and development to improve interactions. Examine the importance of building relationships and communication as an essential element for guiding school-age children.

    Your experience with this subject is best when you take this course before taking the course School-Age Care: Guidance for Youth Development.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who work with school-aged children.

  • Science Learning for Infants and Toddlers

    Young children, beginning at birth, are naturally curious and wired to explore, test, learn and discover. This training will explain why science learning is important for infants and toddlers; provide strategies for setting up a science-rich environment using a variety of age-appropriate and hands-on materials, and identify how to plan science activities that align with the Kansas Early Learning Standards. 



    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Self-Care for Early Childhood Providers

    How do you blow off steam? Are you worn out because you feel like you’re 'on' all the time?  How does taking care of yourself benefit others? It’s surprising that we don’t emphasize self-care more than we do! Practicing self-care is an important professional development activity that will help you to cognitively, physically, and emotionally ‘bounce back’ each day. Mindful and consistent self-care is central to preventing or reducing stress and burnout which is important in maintaining and enhancing your well-being now and in the future!

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

  • Sign, Sign, Baby: Using Baby Signs to Promote Language Development of Infants and Toddlers

    Wouldn’t it be nice if a baby could communicate their wants and needs prior to spoken language? Baby sign language teaches children to communicate and express their wants, needs, likes, and dislikes before they are able to verbally speak. In this training, participants will learn the stages of language development, common concerns, strategies to support language development, and learn 15 simple baby signs to apply to practice. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Sound the Alarm: Emergency Preparedness in Child Care

    Preparation for emergencies is essential when you work with young children. Learn the requirements of an emergency plan. Gain ideas on how to prepare children for emergencies. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for emergency preparedness.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • STEM for Babies and Toddlers

    What is STEM? Isn’t that for older children? No! The foundation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math start in the earliest years. Learn how babies and toddlers engage with STEM learning and how you can support them!


    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers. This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: STEM for Babies and Toddlers.

  • Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Budgets, Projections, and Planning

    Delve into the business side of child care by exploring why it is important to have a balanced budget, how to use a budget to make financial decisions and future projections, and plan for program goals. In the first week, gain knowledge as you explore the budgeting process. During the second week, your offline assignment will be to create a balanced annual budget for your child care business and engage in peer learning activities.   

    Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Budgets, Projections, and Planning is the first course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order but is not required to do so. 

    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators. 

    This 2-week training has discussions, offline assignments and required attendance in one of the two live zoom sessions OR a one-on-one support call with the course trainer. 

    This course is designed for Family Child Care Providers and child care center administrators. 

  • Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Financial Reports and Internal Controls

    In this two-week course, look at the value of using financial reports and internal controls to make informed financial decisions. Explore the financial reports important to child care programs such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Learn to identify internal controls and how they can strengthen the fiscal health of the child care program. Then, begin to create some of the fiscal reports covered in the course. This two-week course includes both online and offline work. During the learn section, learn about the various financial reports and ways to establish internal controls. During the apply section, begin to apply the financial record information to create an income statement and one other report. Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Financial Reports and Internal Controls is the second course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order but is not required to do so. It is recommended to complete the Budget course before you complete the Financial Reports course.  

    In addition, you are required to attend one of the two (2) live Zooms sessions OR a one-on-one support call, scheduled by you with your trainer during the course session.  

    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators.   

  • Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Marketing Child Care Programs

    In this two-week course, look at the value of marketing efforts focused on external and internal elements. Explore how benefits and first impressions factor into marketing the program to families and community businesses and discover how to market to prospective, current, and past families. Then, begin to create a well-rounded marketing plan for the child care program. This two-week course includes both online and offline work. During the apply section, learn about marketing strategies as you use a market planning workbook to gather information about your program. Then, during the learn section, begin to apply the marketing strategies covered in the course as you start to create a yearly marketing plan. Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Marketing Child Care Programs is the third course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order but is not required to do so. 

    In addition, you are required to attend one of the two (2) live Zooms sessions OR a one-on-one support call, scheduled by you with your trainer during the course session.  

    This course is appropriate for family child care program owners and center-based program administrators.   

  • Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Recruiting and Retaining Staff

    This high-level course will help support early childhood program administrators and family child care owners to strengthen their staff recruiting efforts and improve the ability to retain quality child care employees that support the strong business practices. Explore practices related to recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new employees.  Examine how a quality orientation and a well-written employee handbook includes providing effective evaluation and feedback that support program initiatives to provide high-quality programs for children. Strengthening Business Practices Extended: Recruiting and Retaining Staff is the fourth course in a series of four courses and was adapted with permission from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance’s Strengthening Business Practices modules. It is recommended to complete Strengthening Business Practices Extended courses in order but is not required to do so. 

    This 2-week training has discussions, offline assignments and required attendance in one of the two live zoom sessions OR a one-on-one support call with the course trainer.  

    This course is designed for Family Child Care Providers and Childcare center administrators that operate with employees. This course is not intended for center staff.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 1: Budgets, Projections, and Planning for Center-Based Child Care Providers

    The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers' foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business operations. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 1: Budgets, Projections, and Planning for Family Child Care

    The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers' foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business operations. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 2: Financial Reports and Internal Controls for Center-Base Child Care Providers

    The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers' foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business operations. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 2: Financial Reports and Internal Controls for Family Child Care

    The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers' foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business operations. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 3: Marketing Your Program for Center-Based Child Care Providers

    This training helps child care administrators and providers improve their ability to develop a marketing plan and use marketing tools to communicate with families about the benefits of their program. This training reinforces the belief that sound business practices improve the sustainability of child care businesses.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 3: Marketing Your Program for Family Child Care

    This training helps family child care providers improve their ability to develop a marketing plan and use marketing tools to communicate with families about the benefits of their program. This training reinforces the belief that sound business practices improve the sustainability of child care businesses.

  • Strengthening Business Practices, Module 4: Recruiting and Retaining Staff for Center-Based Child Care Providers

    This training supports child care administrators in their efforts to strengthen systems of staff recruitment and improve their ability to retain quality staff. This training reinforces the belief that sound business practices improves the sustainability of child care businesses.

  • Strengthening Families through Positive Connections

    This course is designed for professionals who have a solid foundation in working with families and protective factors. The Kansas Children's Service League eLearning course is made available with a partnership with KCCTO and Kansas Families and Schools Together, Inc. In this course, participants will learn about the strengthening families' framework and understand the impact protective factors have on children and families. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), along with child maltreatment, will be discussed in relationship to building resiliency and supporting five key protective factors. Finally, participants will be able to identify program strategies that help families build protective factors and will identify key strategies that can be implemented in programs and homes.  

    This course meets 4 KDHE annual health and safety requirement hours and is appropriate for early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who have basic knowledge of Adverse Childhood Experiences, protective factors, and working with families. 

    Take this course and earn 4 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Successful Naptime for Children Ages 1-5 Years

    Explore the benefits of naptime for children ages 1 to 5 years of age. Add to your basic understanding of child development and appropriate practice, and gain naptime strategies. Identify ways to create a high-quality naptime routine and learn how to plan for children who do not nap.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

    Take this course and earn 2 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements. 

  • Supporting Kansas Families: DCF Child Care Subsidy Program

    Learn the process and program requirements for becoming a Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) child care provider for families eligible for DCF child care assistance. Learn how the DCF Child Care subsidy program helps eligible families pay for child care costs. Understand how families meet income requirements and qualify for child care subsidies.   

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings and relative care providers. 

  • Supporting Relationships Through Engaging Environments

    An engaging environment filled with child-guided experiences and adult support plays a central role in children's development of social-emotional competence. Add to your basic understanding of social and emotional development. Explore the relationship between the child care environment and social-emotional development in young children and gain strategies to support social-emotional learning in large groups, small groups, and individual children. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals who work in center-based or family child care settings with preschool-aged children. 

  • Teaching Strategies to Enhance Transitions

    Are cleanup times and activity changes stressing you out? In this course, examine the transitions necessary in each day and identify strategies to reduce stress and frustration. Come discuss effective strategies for the periods before, during, and after transitions and learn to use transitions as a learning experience for the children. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings who work with preschool-aged children. 

  • The Early Childhood Provider’s Toolkit: Resources and Connections

    In the early chlidhood field, it is important to have a toolkit - a virtual box of resources, connections, and outlets for support in providing high quality care and education to children. New to the field? Experienced, but looking to find out what's new? In this training, you'll learn about local, state, and national resources available to you!   This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: Engaging Families

    Caring for children goes far beyond the daily ins and outs of childcare. Often, we come across events that require ethical decision-making. When a profession has ethics, it ensures that everyone involved gets what they need in a fair manner, and ensures we have guidelines for integrity. In this training, we will discuss professionalism, the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Code of Ethics, and navigating ethical considerations for families.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • The Power of Music as an Inclusive Tool in Early Childhood Settings

    Music is a powerful and inclusive tool that is often overlooked or under utilized in early childhood settings. This training provides the research and rationale for using music to help engage young learners, aid transitions, and teach new skills or expected behaviors. This training also introduces you to a new acronym "T.A.M.E.", which can be used to help providers when considering what songs to incorporate in their early childhood setting and how to make it inclusive. Finally, this training explores the concepts of piggyback songs and an early childhood song bag—both of which you will be able to start using as soon as tomorrow! This course is appropriate for all early care and educational professionals.

  • The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth!

    Understand the importance of good oral health for children in this introductory course. Learn the benefits of keeping children cavity-free, and find strategies for the prevention of bacterial transmission. Create an action plan to implement a tooth-brushing routine into the daily schedule. Find tips for healthy snacks that promote oral health and gain numerous resources to assist in promoting oral health in the child care setting.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Tips & Tools for Contracts and Policies

    Whether you are a seasoned early childhood professional, or just starting your career, learn the importance of contracts, procedures, and policies for family child care programs. Learn family-friendly ways to create and implement contracts and policies that are easy to understand, fair, and comprehensive. Find how to ensure that your program's contracts and policies meet state licensing, legal requirements, and Kansas Department for Children and Families requirements.
    This course is appropriate for professionals who own or work in licensed Day Care or Group Day Care Home programs.

  • Toddler Circle Time

    Leading a large group time with young children can be a challenge! Toddlers are naturally wiggly, and they can have a hard time staying focused during circle time if it doesn’t meet their needs. This training provides information on best practice techniques for circle time, ways to keep children meaningfully engaged, and provides an opportunity to draft a circle time plan that supports quality learning.   If you’ve ever struggled with circle time, this training is for you!

    This course is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Tracking Milestones and Addressing Concerns with Parents

    Do you have developmental concerns about a child in your program? Join us as we look at the benefits of the regular use developmental checklists, how to use them to share concerns with parents and how to be an active listener. This course is appropriate for those providing care for children ages birth through five years.

  • Training Module: Building a Caring Community

    Young children need support and guidance as they learn to engage in positive interactions and build positive social skills. In this eight-week training module, identify essential behaviors for building relationships with children and explore what children learn from those behaviors. Make and implement a plan to create change in your behaviors and skills to encourage more compassionate acts in children. Explore behaviors and skills that increase positive peer interactions and then create and implement a plan to use the behaviors and strategies that increase children’s opportunities to practice positive social behaviors.  

    Finally, look at your policies and practices around expectations of sharing and friendships.  

    In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussion and two live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities towards building a caring community and reflect on your progress towards that vision each week.  

    Throughout this module, you need to be working with children or able to conduct observations and implement action plans with children. 

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons, discussions, and personal reflective journals.  

    There are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your Professional Development Specialist. (Scheduled by you). 

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals who care for preschool or school-aged children in center-based and family child care settings.  

  • Training Module: Communicating with Families

    The key to establishing and maintaining positive partnerships with parents is effective communication. In this eight-week training module, providers will explore the importance of family communication, diverse family structures, strategies for working with families, methods to care for families, and how to develop strength-based conversations with families. 

    In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussion forums and live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities towards establishing and maintaining positive partnerships and reflect on your progress towards that vision each week.  

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons, discussion forums, and personal reflective journals.  In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your trainer (scheduled by you).  

    The training module will include the book Parent Engagement in Early Learning: Strategies for Working with Families by Julie Powers to provide you with some real-world scenarios you can use in your program. The book is included with registration and will be provided before the course begins for use during the training. 

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals who care for preschool or school-aged children in center-based and family child care settings.  


  • Training Module: Creating Successful Mixed-Age Group Experiences

    Each child brings a uniqueness to your child care program and with their presence creates a new dynamic that requires mindfulness and reflection on the part of the provider. Being able to create experiences for all children to participate in can build your program's community and culture.  

    Allowing the space to be utilized for learning, getting messy, for peer-to-peer learning and support, and for continuity to grow between families and children the success of the mixed-age group will be seen with each and every experience the children have with you. This eight-week training module looks at factors that can create both the benefits and continuity when working with mixed-age groups to create successful and responsive experience.  

    Next, the module will explore the importance of creating responsive lesson plans which focus on adaptations to supports group learning experiences for all children within the child care setting. As most providers understand, having go to resources, an activity or material library, and general issues with space for mixed-age groups can be challenging. In the module, we will go deeper into details to support those elements for successful group experiences. Finally, the module will be digging in deeper to using reflection in supporting the provider with the implementation of any activity and lesson plan.  

    In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussion forums and two live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities centered on working with a mixed-aged group. Reflect on your progress towards increasing your skills in supporting all children in a mixed-aged group. 

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons, discussion forums, and personal reflective journals. In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening at the end of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your trainer (scheduled by you). 

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals currently caring for mixed-age care groups, infant/toddler, and preschool or school-aged children in any license-type setting. 

  • Training Module: Creating Your Child Development Associate Credential Professional Portfolio

    During this course, create your Child Development Associate Credential Professional Portfolio. Each week work on completing a section of the portfolio through guided information, assignments, and support.

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments that include: submitting written assignments, completing offline activities to create the Resource Collection materials, engaging in online discussions with peer interactions, and completing two (2) one-on-one support appointments with your trainer (scheduled by you during weeks 2 and 4).

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals working towards their Child Development Associate credential who are at least three-fourths of the way done with their 120 training hours.

    Required book. You must have the appropriate The Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program and CDA Competency Standards Book for your setting type for this course.

    If you are on the KCCTO CDA Training Track Scholarship plan you will receive this book before the course begins.

    If you are not on the KCCTO CDA Training Track scholarship plan, you need to purchase this book from the CDA Council website. The book is required by the CDA Council as part of your process.

  • Training Module: Education for a Civil Society

    An essential component to a civil society is understanding what methods providers can use to teach children early democratic life skills. In this eight-week training module, providers will explore early childhood pioneer’s philosophies within their environments and beliefs, using developmentally appropriate practices, learn ways to use encouragement with children and activities to teach democratic life skills.  

    In this training module, participants will explore lessons and learn ways to begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussion forums and two live Zoom sessions. Participants will create a focus area statement that will guide your activities towards supporting children in developing democratic life skills and reflect on your progress towards that vision each week.  

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons, discussion forums, and personal reflective journals. In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your trainer (scheduled by you). 

    The training module will include the book Education for a Civil Society: How Guidance Teaches Young Children Democratic Life Skills by Dan Gartrell.  

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals who care for preschool or school-aged children in any license-type setting.  

  • Training Module: Exploring Challenging Behaviors

    All behaviors of young children are a form of communication, and every young child will experience challenges with behavior at some point.  Having a variety of strategies and tools to positively support children as they learn and develop the skills necessary for managing their own behaviors is essential for early childhood professionals. This eight-week training module looks at factors that influence children behavior, considers the connection between the early learning environment and the impact on children, and examines the link between developmentally appropriate expectations and behavior using the Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS). Next, explore the four types of redirections most commonly used in early childhood settings and practice using redirection strategies. Then examine and begin using tools such as scripted stories and visual aids to support children in developing their skills for managing their behavior. Finally, learn about and then support children in using four steps to problem-solving and finding possible solutions to challenging situations. 

    In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussions and two live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities centered on a specific challenging behavior or situation. Reflect on your progress towards increasing your skills in supporting challenging behaviors and situations. 

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons and discussions, and personal reflective journals. In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening at the end of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your  Professional Development Specialist. (Scheduled by you. 

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals currently caring for preschool or school-aged children in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Training Module: STEAM

    Children have a natural sense of wonder that allows them to freely explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). This eight-week training module will look at the main components of STEAM, how children are naturally using STEAM and what providers can do to enhance STEAM activities. Providers will be given opportunities to create activities that can be used with children. 

    In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussion forums and two live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities centered on a specific challenging behavior or situation. Reflect on your progress towards increasing your skills in supporting STEAM activities and learning. 

    This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons, discussion forums, and personal reflective journals. In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening at the end of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your trainer (scheduled by you).  

    This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals currently caring for preschool aged children in any license-type setting. 

  • Transportation of Children

    Learn basic procedures for safely transporting children in vehicles in this foundation course for early care and education professionals. Know basic requirements and best practices for taking children off-site, including transportation by vehicle or walking. 

    Take this course and earn clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s initial health and safety training requirements for transporting children by foot or vehicle.  

    This course is also included in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module, which includes all KDHE initial health and safety training requirements in one course. 

  • Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences

    Learn about trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including homelessness, in this course. Review the definition of trauma and ACEs. Examine the lasting impacts from early adverse experiences and find strategies for developing resiliency in young children.  

    Take this course and earn 4 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment's annual health and safety training requirements for basic child development. 

  • Understanding and Supporting Play with Infants and Toddlers

    We all know that that playing with infants and toddlers is important – but where do we start and how do we do it in a way that is developmentally appropriate? This training provides information on the needs, motivations, and play stages of infants and toddlers; along with interaction strategies and other resources that can guide you as you begin to incorporate more play with infants and toddlers into your current practice.

  • Understanding and Supporting Sensory Learning

    Our senses are taking in important information about the world around us all day, every day! Learn more about our senses and sensory systems and begin to apply that knowledge to your daily practices!


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Understanding Attachment: Exploring the Four Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships

    Have you ever wondered why adults approach relationships differently?  It's because of attachment!  In this training, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the evolution of Attachment Theory, the four attachment styles, and how to promote secure attachment with children. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.
    This course is the same content as the "Live Virtual: Understanding Attachment: Exploring the Four Attachment Styles".
    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Understanding Children’s Behavior as Communication

    Explore how children communicate through behavior and how to partner with families to understand and respond to children’s behavior as communication. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Understanding Risk and Promoting Resilience in the First Five Years

    In this higher-level course, build on your strong foundation of understanding risk and protective factors for young children. Build on prior knowledge of child abuse and neglect risk factors and social and emotional development. Learn to identify potential risk and protective factors in the children you care for daily and learn to use positive experiences and nurturing interactions to build relationships that promote resilience in young children.  

    This course is appropriate for early care education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.  

    Take this course and earn 3 clock-hours towards Kansas Department of Health and Environment annual health and safety training requirements for basic child development. 

  • Understanding Temperament Tendencies in Infant and Toddlers

    Temperament tendencies describe the nature of individual behavior. Explore temperament traits, learn how they influence goodness of fit, and develop plans to nurture the unique temperament tendencies of infants and toddlers in child care settings.

  • Understanding Temperaments of Young Children

    A child’s temperament influences his or her style of interaction and the way that child understands and experiences the world and the people in it. Learn about three temperament traits: adaptable, cautious, and feisty. Discuss goodness of fit (compatibility of a person’s temperament with their surrounding environment). Understand the traits of the various temperaments and how adjustments can be made in your approach or environment when working with these various temperaments.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 


  • Using Technology Appropriately with Young Children

    Can my toddlers have screen time during the day?  What do I tell parents who want to know what apps to download to help their children learn? This training will dive into the world of using technology with young children.  We'll explore current guidelines and recommendations, how technology can be used in the early childhood environment, and how to engage and educate parents using technology.


    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.


    This course is the same content as the Live Virtual Training: Using Technology Appropriately with Young Children.

  • Using Visual Supports to Create an Inclusive Program

    Learn how the use of visual supports can benefit the children in your program by decreasing behaviors, decreasing anxiety, and increasing communication and understanding. You will learn about the different types of visual supports, who they can benefit as well as how to create and use them.

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Virtual Course Bundle: Language and Literacy

    Interested in exploring how to support language and literacy development? Looking for virtual training to engage in live discussions with other early childhood professionals? This course bundle is for you! This virtual course bundle offers training through a series of three live virtual training sessions offered through Zoom.  

    Examine how the environment supports early language and emerging literacy development and the educators role in providing literacy-rich environments. Explore the key elements of meaningful conversations and identify opportunities to have conversations with children. Explore strategies for supporting and providing purposeful early language and literacy interactions and experiences. 

    As part of this course bundle, you will complete the following: 

    Week 1: Watch a short video on the virtual course bundle requirements and complete a one-on-one check-in with your trainer 

    Week 2: Attend the Virtual Training: Supportive Environments

    Week 3: Attend the Virtual Training: Engaging Conversations with Children

    Week 4: Attend the Virtual Training: Purposeful Interactions

    Week 5: Wrap Up  

    In addition, you will complete 3 one-on-one check-ins with your trainer over the course bundle session. These check-ins occur during the first week, in the middle, and the final wrap up week of the virtual course bundle session. 

    This course bundle is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.

  • We Like to Potty!””: A Provider’s Guide to Supporting Potty Training

    Potty training is a big step for a child and their family! It can be exciting, yet stressful, and requires a big commitment for all involved. In this course we will look at identifying when a child is ready to begin the potty-training process, learn some tips and tricks on getting started, and how you can include the family to ensure everyone is on the same page. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.

  • Why Dramatic Play

    Dramatic play is central to children’s healthy development and learning. It is creative and imaginative. Learn how you can support dramatic play through your environment, interactions, and planning. This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Why Dramatic Play.

  • Why Fine Motor?

    Early childhood providers will understand what fine motor development is, why it is important and how to plan activities, both indoors and outdoors, to support young children’s small muscle development. In addition, they will understand their role in setting up the environment, the importance of engaging with children during play and providing daily opportunities for children to develop their fine-motor skills. Lastly, providers will understand how to plan fine motor activities that align with the KELS and how to encourage family engagement.  




    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. 

  • Working with Children in a Mixed Age Program

    Children grow and learn naturally in mixed-age groups. However, it can be challenging to balance safety, active learning, and the individual needs of each child with mixed ages in one group. Examine strategies and adaptations for meeting the needs of a mixed-age group of children in family child care or in center-based programs. Study how to plan learning activities that include children of mixed ages and mixed developmental levels. 

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Wrestling with Safe Sleep

    Wrestling with Safe Sleep explores SIDS and SUID data including high risk populations and barriers to safe infant sleep. Sleep location, position, and environmental recommendations based on the 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Sleep Guidelines are discussed. PowerPoint, small group discussion and lecture format is used.

    This course meets 2 KDHE annual health and safety requirement hours and is appropriate for early care and education professionals working with infants and toddlers.

  • Yogapalooza: Calm Module

    Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and create instant calm?  Want to feel ready for the year, no matter what it looks like?  Let yoga and mindfulness take care of you and the children in your group.  Even if you can't touch your toes, take this two-week course designed for everyone, that makes yoga engaging, fun and magical and learn about Kids Yoga and Mindfulness. Gain actionable wisdom and tools to help you and your kids manage stress and feel good.  Explore Candle Breath, Rainbow Relaxation, and The Yoga Alphabet along with others in this first in a series of three Yogapalooza modules. 

    This 2-week course consists of online course work the first week where you will need the ability to watch and listen to videos to complete.  During the second week, you will join a live Zoom Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. You will also be ready to implement some of the kid’s yoga you have learned with any children in your group or environment and journal about that experience.  

    Yogapalooza:  Calm Module is the first in a three-part series of Yogapalooza modules, but you can complete the modules in any order.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Yogapalooza: Happy Module

    Yogapalooza: Happy Module will teach you how to master some of the best mindfulness and relaxation activities for children including Loving Kindness, Super Hero Listening, and other mindfulness activities. Explore how yoga works with self regulation and relaxation with activities with Teddy Bear and Bat Songs. The Happy Module also contains a bonus section on yoga for special needs and challenging behaviors with special guest Allison Morgan. Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and create instant calm? Get ready to add something magical to your classroom. Even if you can't touch your toes, or don't have a yoga mat, you can help yourself and your kids manage stress and feel good with amazing yoga and mindfulness tools. This interactive, engaging course is designed for everybody. This is the most fun you can have learning about yoga and mindfulness guaranteed! Yogapalooza Modules can be taken in any order. No prior experience is required. 

    This -week course consists of online course work the first week where you will need the ability to watch and listen to videos to complete the module. During the second week, you will join a live Zoom Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. You will also be ready to implement some of the kid’s yoga you have learned with any children in your group or environment and journal about that experience. Yogapalooza: Happy Module is the third in a three-part series of Yogapalooza modules, but you can complete the modules in any order.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings. 

  • Yogapalooza: Peace Module

    Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and create instant calm?  Get ready to add something magical to your classroom. Even if you can't touch your toes, or don't have a yoga mat, you can help yourself and your kids manage stress and feel good with amazing yoga and mindfulness tools. This interactive, engaging course is designed for everybody. This is the most fun you can have learning about yoga and mindfulness guaranteed!   

    Yogapalooza Modules can be taken in any order. No prior experience is required. Yogapalooza:  Peace Module will teach you how to master some of the best mindfulness activities for children including Ocean Breath, Attitude Gratitude and Rainbow Relaxation. Discover popular activities for kids yoga including The Yoga Dragon Hunt (like going on a Bear Hunt but with yoga!) and other classroom favorites. The Peace Module also consists of wonderful tips you can keep in your back pocket to help you navigate through stress and emotional emergencies! You will leave this module inspired, confident and ready to share the benefits of kids’ yoga and mindfulness. 

    This 2-week course consists of online course work the first week where you will need the ability to watch and listen to videos to complete the module.  During the second week, you will join a live Zoom Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. You will also be ready to implement some of the kids yoga you have learned with any children in your group or environment and journal about that experience. Yogapalooza:  Peace Module is the second in a three-part series of Yogapalooza modules, but you can complete the modules in any order.  

    This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals in center-based and family child care settings.
