Training Module: Exploring Challenging Behaviors

All behaviors of young children are a form of communication, and every young child will experience challenges with behavior at some point.  Having a variety of strategies and tools to positively support children as they learn and develop the skills necessary for managing their own behaviors is essential for early childhood professionals. This eight-week training module looks at factors that influence children behavior, considers the connection between the early learning environment and the impact on children, and examines the link between developmentally appropriate expectations and behavior using the Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS). Next, explore the four types of redirections most commonly used in early childhood settings and practice using redirection strategies. Then examine and begin using tools such as scripted stories and visual aids to support children in developing their skills for managing their behavior. Finally, learn about and then support children in using four steps to problem-solving and finding possible solutions to challenging situations. 

In this training module, explore lessons and begin to apply that information into your skills and practices; engage in peer-to-peer learning through online discussions and two live Zoom sessions. Create a focus area statement that will guide your activities centered on a specific challenging behavior or situation. Reflect on your progress towards increasing your skills in supporting challenging behaviors and situations. 

This eight-week training module has weekly assignments, including online lessons and discussions, and personal reflective journals. In addition, there are two (2) live Zoom sessions on Thursday evening at the end of weeks four (4) and seven (7) and a one-on-one support appointment with your  Professional Development Specialist. (Scheduled by you. 

This training module is appropriate for early care and education professionals currently caring for preschool or school-aged children in center-based and family child care settings. 


Course Details

  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:16
  • Agency:KCCTO WFD
  • CDA Subject Area:3 - 3 - Social and Emotional Development
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:VI. Interactions with Children and Youth