Who We Are

The KCCTO Infant-Toddler Specialist Network (ITSN) team consists of Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialists from a variety of educational and experiential backgrounds. As coaches and mentors, we strive to support you in your task of providing quality child care to infants and toddlers and their families.

Meet Our Teams

We are excited to get to know you and be able to provide you with customized support. Below is regional map with to help identify which Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialists cover each region in Kansas. You can connect with a specialist directly using the contact information below or fill out our online Connect With Us form and we’ll have a Specialist contact you.

colored coded Kansas county service area map

Click a following region to find its specialists: WEST | NORTH CENTRAL | SOUTH | NORTHEAST

West Region

Counties Served:
Barber, Cheyenne, Clark, Commanche, Decatur, Edwards, Ford, Gove, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Kearny, Kiowa, Lane, Logan, Meade, Morton, Ness, Norton, Pawnee, Pratt, Rawlins, Scott, Seward, Sheridan, Sherman, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Thomas, Trego, Wallace, Wichita

Stephanie Keller Profile Photo
Stephanie Keller, B.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Learning Environments, Professional Development, and Team Building
Tara Witthuhn Profile photo
Tara Witthuhn, B.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Health & Safety, Program Management, and Child Nutrition
Jenny Wright profile photo
Jenny Wright, B.A, IMH-E II
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Early Childhood Mental Health, Adult Mental Health and Well-Being, Learning Environments, Parent/Family Engagement

North Central Region

Counties Served:
Barton, Brown, Chase, Clay, Cloud, Coffee, Dickinson, Ellis, Ellsworth, Geary, Jackson, Jewell, Lincoln, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Mitchell, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Republic, Rice, Riley, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Shawnee, Smith, Wabaunsee, Washington

Rachel Jury profile photo
Rachel Jury, B.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Interactions, Safe & Healthy Environments, Social-Emotional Development, and Adult Self Care
Ingrid Pohl profile photo
Ingrid Pohl, M.S., IMH-E
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Behavior and Positive Guidance, Brain – Body Integration/Sensory Integration, Infant Toddler Mental Health, Adult Self- Care
Sabina Hoffman profile photo
Sabina Hoffman, M.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Sensory Supports, Play Based Learning, Outdoor Education, Community Collaboration

Sarah Skiles profile photo
Sarah Skiles, MA, CCC-SLP, MSE
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Creating a language rich early childhood setting, Visual supports for young learners, Incorporating music in the learning environment, Supporting inclusion and universal design for learning
Jennifer Pishny profile photo
Jennifer Pishny, M.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Social-Emotional Development, Positive Interactions, Classroom Environment, Developmental Delays and Disabilities, Business Practices

South Region

Counties Served:
Anderson, Allen, Bourbon, Butler, Cowley, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Crawford, Elk, Greenwood, Harper, Harvey, Kingman, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Reno, Sedgwick, Sumner, Wilson, Woodson

Photo of Marliz
Marliz Feliciano
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Language Development, Family Engagement, Disabilities, and Individualized Learning.
Erin Jett Profile Photo
Erin Jett, B.G.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Classroom Design, Behavior & Guidance, and Workplace Culture
Tanisha McCorkle profile photo
Tanisha McCorkle, B.S., IMH-E
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Business Practices, Infant-Toddler Mental Health, and Observation & Assessment
Rebecca Vitelli profile photo
Rebecca Vitelli, M.Ed.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Family Engagement & Coaching, Behavior & Positive Guidance, and Visual Supports & Structured Teaching 
Stephanie Wiggins profile photo
Stephanie Wiggins, Ph.D, CFLE
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Positive Guidance, Environmental Supports, Intentional Planning, and Policy Development

Northeast Region

Counties Served:
Atchison, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Wyandotte

Christie Anderson profile photo
Christie Anderson, M.S.E.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Social-Emotional Development, Building Positive Relationships with Parents, Early Childhood Health, Adult Mental Health and Well-Being
Rebecca Benson profile photo
Rebecca Benson, M.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Developmentally Appropriate Expectations, Co-Teaching, Environment / Environmental Supports
Joni Breidenthal profile photo
Joni Breidenthal, M.Ed.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Early Learning Standards, Assessment Tools, and Parent Education
Photo of Mikaela
Mikaela Haendler, B.S.
Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist

Areas of Interest:
Social-Emotional Development, Behavior and Guidance, Creating Positive Environments, Observing and Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child, Mental Health and Well Being of Staff

Kansas Department for Children and Families logo

The KCCTO Infant-Toddler Specialist Network is a program of the Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. and the University of Kansas Life Span Institute at Parsons and is supported through a grant from the Kansas Department for Children and Families’ Child Care and Early Education Services. However, information or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the agency and no official endorsement should be inferred. (12/16/16)

Initial Contact Information Packet

Parent Handbook Guidance

download file

Parent-Provider Contract Outline

download file

Child Care Subsidy Overview

download file

Kansas Agency Resources for Child Care 

download file

Web Resources for Early Care Providers in Kansas

download file

CDC Learn the Signs. Act Early – Milestone Moments