Live Virtual Director’s Alliance: Feedback Without Fear

One way to get families involved in your program is to ask for feedback.  What do they like?  What could be better?  What do you do with the feedback once you have it?  In this training, we will explore ways to ask families for feedback, and how to use that feedback constructively.​


This course is only available for professionals who hold director positions in their early care and education program.


You need a webcam or front-facing camera and a microphone for this training. For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.




Course Details

  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:1.5
  • CDA Subject Area:4 - 4 - Relationships with Families
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:IV. Families and Communities
No offerings available at this time.