Ouch! Biting Hurts: Why Toddlers Bite and What to do About It

Biting is one of the biggest behavior concerns when working with toddlers. Often, we have children who bite for what feels like no reason! In this training, we’ll explore reasons why children bite, utilize observation and documentation to understand the why, learn practical strategies to prevent biting, and learn how to respond appropriately to a biting incident. This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals. This course is the same content as the LIVE Virtual Training: Ouch! Biting Hurts.


Course Details

  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:2
  • CDA Subject Area:3 - 3 - Social and Emotional Development
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:VI. Interactions with Children and Youth
No offerings available at this time.