How Teething, Weaning, and Oral Habits Impact Oral Health
There are many physical and developmental changes occurring in a child?s life as they transition from an infant to a young child. This course addresses three events that can have a big impact on the child?s oral health. The lesson on teething will give you information on when to expect baby teeth and permanent teeth to erupt, typical symptoms children may experience when teething, and choosing safe ways to relieve symptoms. The weaning lesson is designed to share reasons for weaning, guidance on how to wean, and the proper use of a sippy/training cup. Oral habits are discussed in the final lesson. Topics include: the advantages and disadvantages of non-nutritive sucking as well as ideas for discontinuation of oral habits such as thumb sucking and pacifier use.
This course is appropriate for people who work with infants and toddlers in center-based and family child care settings.
Selected Offering
Online Training
Registration Deadline: November 25