Early Ed Book Series: Little Kids, Big Worries


Little Kids, Big Worries: Stress-Busting Tips for Early Childhood Classrooms is an essential guide for early childhood professionals to navigate the complex world of childhood stress. Dr. Honig draws on years of experience to equip educators with practical strategies to recognize and address stress in young children before it escalates. This book empowers teachers to be keen observers of children’s emotional cues, intervening with proven methods to prevent big emotions from taking over.

Throughout this book study, you will learn key factors influencing stress in young children from this concept of an extension of brain-based learning by focusing(reading), feedback (discussions and Zooms), and reflection (personal reflection journals) to create a classroom community where stress is recognized and understood and how to apply proven strategies to foster resilience in young children.

During this blended 5-week book study, you will complete weekly book readings and engage in online and reflective journaling activities. Additionally, you will participate in 2 live Zoom conversations with peers.

Live Zoom conversations will be held on Thursday at the end of weeks 2 and 4. Zoom conversations require you to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Registration includes a copy of the book, Little Kids, Big Worries: Stress-Busting Tips for Early Childhood Classrooms by Alice Honig, Ph.D.

This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals working with older toddlers to school-age children, in center-based, family child care, or school-age programs.

Course Details

  • Cost: $30.00
  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:10
  • Agency:KCCTO
  • CDA Subject Area:3 - Social and Emotional Development
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:4 - Planning, Learning Experiences, and Curriculum (PLEC)

Selected Offering

January 23 - February 27
Online Training, 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Registration Deadline: January 13

Seats remaining: 14

Additional information














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