New Providers

What training do I need as a new child care provider?

Foundation Courses

KCCTO offers several course options for new child care providers to meet the training requirements during your first year. The 10 topics required by KDHE for initial health and safety training are provided as a bundle in the Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module (option 1) OR individually (option 2).  If you register for the Foundations Module, you do NOT need to also register for the individual courses since they are already bundled within the module.  

Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module is intended for new providers. Enrollment will be canceled if participant has already completed it within the past 5 years. Please call our office if you are not sure of your status. 

Option 1

Foundations Module

A pre-bundled package of the 10 required topics for new providers, available over a period of 2 weeks. The Foundations Module is the most efficient option in terms of cost and time as opposed to registering for individual courses.  If registering for this module it is not necessary to also register for the individual initial health and safety courses listed in Option 2.
• 18 KDHE approved clock hours
• $20

Módulo de Fundamentos (en Español)

Un paquete completo con 10 de los cursos necesarios para la licencia de proveedores de cuidado de niños. Se ofrece en español con una especialista bilingüe. El módulo toma 2 semanas.
• 18 horas para KDHE
• $20

Option 2

Foundation Individual Courses: The 10 required topics for new providers are offered individually, each available over a period of 1 week. This is a great option if you have completed some of the foundation courses in the past and are not in rush to complete all of them. Only register for these if you have chosen not to register for the pre-bundled package in option 1.

CourseKDHE Approved Hours / Cost
Basics of Child Development3 clock hours / $5
Building and Physical Premises Safety2 clock hours / $5
Child Abuse and Neglect: Identification, Reporting, and Prevention3 clock hours / $5
Handling, Storing, and Disposing of Hazardous Materials and Biological Contaminants2 clock hours / $5
Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases3 clock hours / $5
Prevention of and Response to Emergencies Due to Food and Allergic Reactions2.5 clock hours / $5
Reducing the Risk of SIDS and Using Safe Sleep Practices2.5 clock hours / $5
Safe Steps: Administering Medication to Children2.5 clock hours / $5
Sound the Alarm: Emergency Preparedness in Child Care2 clock hours / $5
Transportation of Children2 clock hours / $5

State Fee Assistance for Child Care (DCF Subsidy) Course

If your child care program accepts state fee assistance for child care, the DCF Child Care Subsidy Program that helps families pay for the cost of child care, you may be required to take the following course:

CourseKDHE Approved Hours / Cost
Supporting Kansas Families: DCF Child Care Subsidy Program2 clock hours / $5

What resources do I need as a new child care provider?

As you start your journey as a new child care provider, here are a few resources you may find helpful:

Parent Handbook Guidance

download file

Parent-Provider Contract Outline

download file

Child Care Subsidy Overview

download file

Kansas Early Childhood Resources

download file

Web Resources for Early Care Providers in Kansas

download file

State Agencies

What Kansas Agencies can help you in your work with young children?

Department for Children and Families (DCF)

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE)