CDA Resource Center

Council for Professional Recognition (CDA) Resource Center Header

What is the Child Development Associate® (CDA) National Credentialing Program?

The CDA National Credentialing Program is a professional development opportunity for early educators working with children ages birth to 5 years old to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the early childhood education field. The CDA credentialing program assesses Candidates using multiple sources of evidence, including an exam, observation and professional portfolio with resources and competency statements prepared by the Candidate. Visit the Council for Professional Recognition’s website for Frequently Asked Questions regarding the CDA Credentialing Program.

How can KCCTO help you earn your CDA?

We know that, in addition to working through the CDA Credentialing process, many CDA Candidates have busy professional and personal lives. We want to provide you with the support and resources you need to meet all of the requirements to earn your CDA, with as little stress as possible.

KCCTO supports CDA Candidates through the following:

  • Credentialing Process:
    Check out an explanation of the 6 Steps to earning your CDA, learn how to review training, and read about the CDA Training Track for initial and renewal CDA Candidates HERE.
  • Specific Courses:
    KCCTO offers 2 CDA specific courses. These courses help you gain an understanding of the overall initial CDA Credentialing process and begin work on your CDA Professional Portfolio. Additionally, most KCCTO courses will apply toward CDA professional education requirements!
  • KCCTO CDA Training Tracks:
    Let us help you meet the professional education requirements for your Infant/Toddler, Preschool, or Family Child Care CDA, whether you’re a first-time CDA Candidate or working on renewal. We’ll help you choose your courses and plan out your schedule.
  • CDA Technical Assistance:
    Our Professional Development Specialists want you to be successful in your KCCTO courses and use what you’ve learned from our courses in your work with young children. As you take KCCTO courses, our Professional Development Specialists will check in with you to answer any questions about the courses or the CDA Credentialing process. Visit our Technical Assistance page to learn more!

There are three CDA settings:


Work with children ages 3 to 5 years old.

The Preschool center-based setting is a state-approved child development center where a candidate can be observed working with at least 8 children, all of whom are ages 3 to 5 years. The program must have at least 10 children enrolled, not necessarily in the candidate’s group, and at least two early educators working with the children on a regular basis.


Work with children birth to 36 months.

A center-based infant-toddler setting is a state-approved child development center where a Candidate can be observed working with a group of at least three children, all of whom are under the age of 3 years old.

<strong>Family Child Care</strong>

Work with children ages birth to 5 years.

A family child care setting is a family child care home where a Candidate can be observed working with at least two children 5 years old or younger who are not related to the Candidate by blood or marriage. The setting must meet at least the minimum level of applicable state and/or local regulations. Family child care settings are also eligible in localities where there is no regulation of family child care.

KCCTO CDA Training Tracks and Scholarships

*New Requirement Prior to a Scholarship Application*: A completed Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) is now required and uploaded within the scholarship application only (does not apply to the paid training track) in order to be eligible. A new IPDP tool will be available soon and a direct link will be added here.

KCCTO offers a variety of training track and scholarship opportunities. Select the dropdown below that describes the type of candidate you are to learn more and apply today.

Download this Training Tracking Tool to help see progress towards earning your CDA.

Paid and Scholarship Training Track Scholarship Applications are currently closed, but coming soon.

First Time CDA Candidates

Paid Training Track

If you would like information about pursuing your CDA, please visit the KCCTO CDA Resource Center above. We encourage you to continue to take KCCTO Courses that will count towards your future CDA Training Track. Here’s a great tool to track your professional development – download here. Visit and filter by CDA area to find courses.

To receive an email when the Paid CDA Training Track application opens, please send an email to with the subject line “CDA Paid Training Track Notification List” and your request in the body of the email.

Paid Training Track (Training ONLY)

This scholarship is for you if you:

  • Are a child care provider working in a Kansas child care program that is license exempt (ex: school district programs or Head Start programs) AND
  • Have not completed all your professional education for the CDA Credential

The following CDA Credentials are eligible:

  • Infant/Toddler CDA
  • Preschool CDA
  • Family Child Care CDA


  • Receive up to 120 KDHE approved clock hours
  • Help choosing and scheduling your courses
  • Help creating your Professional Portfolio
  • Professional Portfolio organizational tool
  • CDA Competency Standards book

Cost: $150

CDA Training Track Scholarship

CDA Training Scholarship

Note: Applicants must not be employed at a Head Start facility, should be working in a KDHE licensed facility, and must have been employed at that facility for at least 6 months.

Choose this scholarship option if you:

  • Are a child care provider working in a licensed Kansas child care program AND
  • Have not completed all your professional education for the CDA Credential and other pre-credential application requirements

The following CDA Credentials are eligible:

  • Infant/Toddler CDA
  • Preschool CDA
  • Family Child Care CDA


  • Receive up to 120 KDHE approved clock hours
  • Help choosing and scheduling your courses
  • Help creating your Professional Portfolio
  • Professional Portfolio organizational tool


  • CDA Competency Standards book, CDA Essentials for Working with Young Children book, and CDA Essentials Workbook (a value of $95!)
  • Support calls with KCCTO staff to help you through the entire CDA Credentialing process

Cost: FREE!

CDA Credential Application Fee Scholarship

CDA Credential Application Fee Scholarship

This scholarship is for you if you:

  • Are a child care provider working in a licensed Kansas child care program AND
  • Have already completed the professional education for the CDA Credential and other pre-credential application requirements

The following CDA Credentials are eligible:

  • Infant/Toddler CDA
  • Preschool CDA
  • Family Child Care CDA


  • Online Credential application fee ($425)

Renewal CDA Candidates

Paid Training Track

Paid Training Track (Training ONLY)

The paid track is for child care providers working in Kansas programs that are license exempt (ex: school district programs or Head Start programs).

The following CDA Credentials are eligible:

  • Infant/Toddler CDA
  • Preschool CDA
  • Family Child Care CDA


  • Receive up to 45 KDHE approved clock hours
  • Help choosing and scheduling your courses

Cost: $75


Have questions about how KCCTO’s CDA assistance works?