Career Pathway for Kansas Early Childhood Care and Education Professionals

Meet the Teams

Steering Committee

The Kansas Career Pathway for Early Childhood Care and Education Professionals implementation steering committee is an advisory group that helped to shape the objectives and activities to meet the vision and goal of the Kansas Career Pathway for ECCE professionals. The committee considered the perspectives of the ECCE workforce, the impact on families and remained child focused when offering suggestions and direction.

Rae Anderson, LMSW
Early Childhood Systems Consultant
Susan Sarver, Ph.D.​
Director of Workforce Planning and Development, Buffet Institute
Asiya Foster, Ed.D.
Chief Innovations Officer, EarlystART
Eva Horn, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor in the School of Education and Human Sciences and Investigator with the Life Span Institute at the University of Kansas 
Elaine Johannes, Ph.D.
Kansas Health Foundation Distinguished Professor in Community Health for K-State Research and Extension, State Extension Specialist and Assoc. Professor in the Department of Applied Human Sciences​
Sherri Killins Stewart
Director of Systems Alignment and Integration,
BUILD Initiative and Co Director of State Services
Sherry Cleary
Consultant, Cleary Consulting
Leadership Team

Description coming soon…

Patty Peschel, M.S.​
Director of KCCTO
Bronwyn Fees, Ph.D.
Professor, Early Childhood Education; Associate Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences at Kansas State University

Sherron Field, B.S. 
Career Pathway Program Coordinator, KCCTO

Stephanie Parks 
Career Pathway Assistant Director, KCCTO
Sherri Killins Stewart
Director of Systems Alignment and Integration​
BUILD Initiative and Co-Director of State Services
Sherry Cleary
Consultant with BUILD
Advisory Panel

More details coming soon.

Evaluation Team

OEIE is a full-service evaluation office composed of professional staff including research/evaluation associates and assistants, development and grant specialists, as well as graduate and undergraduate research assistants. This multidisciplinary team complements one another’s skills and possesses the educational background, fieldwork experience, and research abilities relevant to the nature and scope of diverse projects. The OEIE team has wide-range expertise in applied foreign language, athletic training, biochemistry, biology, business administration, communications, conservation biology, counselor education and supervision, criminal justice, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, environmental resources and policy, epidemiology & biostatistics, infectious disease and zoonoses, music education, political science, public administration, public policy, psychology (developmental, educational, industrial/organizational), social work, and sociology, Further, OEIE offers cultural diversity and perspectives based on staff members’ international experiences and competencies gained through involvement in evaluation activities. All OEIE evaluators are active American Evaluation Association (AEA) members and participate in numerous professional development opportunities. OEIE projects are supported by an evaluation team led by a principal evaluator. Capitalizing on these diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, OEIE staff utilize well-established research methods and tools (e.g., online surveys, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, social network analysis, citation analysis, and content analyses) to employ innovative approaches in evaluation (e.g., theory-based evaluation and mixed-method approaches to evaluation).

Ian Cummings
Research/Evaluation Associate, Kansas State University Office of Educational Innovation and Evaluation
Kristin Wright 
Research/Evaluation Associate, Kansas State University Office of Educational Innovation and Evaluation​
Career Navigators
Chelsea Kusmec profile photo
Chelsea Kusmec, B.S.
Career Navigator

Casey Gormley.
Career Navigator

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