Live Virtual: Connections Matter in Early Childhood

Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, they help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier, stronger community. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage participants in building caring connections to improve resiliency, prevent childhood trauma, and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma. Connections Matter explores how the connections we make in life profoundly impact our brain’s ability to grow and our own abilities to cope and thrive. This is done through a training curriculum that educates participants on adverse childhood experiences, trauma, brain development and resilience. Connections Matter ultimately strives to promote the building of more resilient, compassionate, and trauma-informed communities – thus allowing all children and individuals to succeed.

This course is appropriate for all early care and education professionals.


This live virtual training requires attendance at two sessions (on the start and end dates indicated). Participants are required to use a webcam or front-facing camera to create a more interactive and engaging learning experience.


For more information about LIVE Virtual Trainings, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.


Course Details

  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:4
  • Agency:KCCTO WFD
  • CDA Subject Area:
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:IV. Families and Communities
No offerings available at this time.