Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module

This two-week  module includes all Kansas Department of Health and Environment required initial health and safety training requirements.  

If registering for this module it is not necessary to register for the individual initial health and safety courses.    

Build foundational knowledge on how to keep children safe and healthy in this module in the following topics: 

  • Child Development
  • Keeping Children Healthy:  addresses infectious disease and immunizations, bloodborne pathogens, allergic reactions to food and food handling, and administering medication.
  • Keeping Children Safe: addresses building premise and hazardous materials, supervising children, child abuse and neglect, sudden infant death syndrome and safe sleep practices, transporting children, and emergency preparedness.

 Looking for annual health and safety training topics?  

  • Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module is intended for new providers. Enrollment will be canceled if participant has already completed it within the past 5 years. Please call our office if you are not sure of your status. 
  • If you need help choosing courses from KCCTO’s wide range of topics, contact the KCCTO office to connect with a Professional Development Specialist. 

The Foundations for Safe and Healthy Early Care Facilities Module is also available in Spanish. 


Course Details

  • KDHE Approved:Yes
  • Clock Hours:18
  • Agency:KCCTO WFD
  • CDA Subject Area:1 - 1 - Safe, Healthy Learning Environment;8 - 8 - Growth and Development
  • KS/MO Core Comp Area:I. Child and Youth Growth and Development;V. Health and Safety
No offerings available at this time.