The vision
For each child, beginning at birth, has the opportunity to benefit from high-quality early childhood care and education, delivered by an effective, diverse, well-prepared, and well-compensated professional workforce across Kansas and in all settings.
The goal
To develop a robust career pathway for ECCE professionals that is meaningful and consistently available and applied across all ECCE programs (including child care centers, licensed and group child care homes, preschools, Head Start programs, and school age programs) throughout the state. The Pathway will offer a high-level roadmap to advancing roles or expertise within the profession tied to opportunities to earn increased compensation.
Meet the Teams
The Career Pathway for Kansas Early Childhood Care and Education Professionals consists of four teams. A Steering Committee, Leadership Team, Advisory Panel and Evaluation team.
Resources & Tools
- Implementation Plan
- Career Pathway at a Glance
- Career Pathway Explainer Video
- Career Navigators
- NEW Kansas Core Competencies
- KS Early Childhood Higher Education Faculty Directory
Career Pathway Project Highlights
Connect With Us
Your experience and voice are important in making the Career Pathway a valuable tool. If you have questions or have something to share with us, please either submit your feedback on the implementation plan, fill out our interest form, or schedule a time to virtually meet with a member of the Career Pathway Implementation Team.